But you should be worried. If you catch MRSA it's highly likely that it's due to the bad practices of the hospital employees rather than visitors.
I am worried when I attend hospitals
I have health care-assitants visiting me twice weekly, the same person for extended periods, 8-12 months at a time. They don PPE at my door, mask, gloves, apron over street clothes. They discard the PPE before they leave. I have no infectious diseases.
I have specialist nurses who visit me less frequently, usually quarterly, more often if needed. They wear PPE as above and dispose of it as above. They take blood and other fluids when testing and change gloves for each sample and test. All the stuff they use, bar the sharps and fluids which they take away in specialist containers in their specialist vehicles, is disposed of before they leave.
In hospitals I have been asked to undress for various kinds of specialist imaging, discarding shoes and socks, and having donned a gown, I've been invited to walk barefoot across the hospital floor from the cubicle until I demanded disposable slippers. I was refused permission to wear my own shoes as they were deemed to be a "trip hazard" if I left them on the floor near the machine.
I have been invited to pile my clothing on the floor as there were no hangers available. I refused and demanded a disposable plastic bag.
Some of the stuff I see in hospitals scares me, but what I see is only a tiny fraction of what goes on.
During lock-down I have read and heard news reports that infectious disease instances and outbreaks in hospitals were reduced dramatically. "They" say that was because public visiting was restricted; I say "they" were more diligent about PPE and clinical hygiene, perhaps because they feared for their own health & safety..
I'm due to visit a very large Dublin hospital early next week; I'll keep my eyes and ears open.