Hospital staff wearing fatigues as day clothes


Registered User
I was parked outside a hospital the other day and I noticed a number of staff leaving and getting into their cars still wearing their hospital fatigues.

To me, this seems unhygienic. If the purpose of fatigues is to provide a layer of protection that benefits a patient, what’s the point if they’re effectively been worn as street clothes. Then it’s really just a uniform.
To me, this seems unhygienic. If the purpose of fatigues is to provide a layer of protection that benefits a patient, what’s the point if they’re effectively been worn as street clothes. Then it’s really just a uniform.
It's so everyone knows they are heroes....
Hospital staff are allowed to wear fatigues when leaving the hospital after their working shift. They know they must not enter any supermarkets etc wearing fatigues. I have no problem with hospital staff sitting into their cars in fatigues, but I would be concerned if they were using public transport while wearing fatigues.