Greatest opening lines to a song

Sue you? I'm sending lawyers, guns and money right now.
Apparently, lawyers have already been involved with the song at some stage.

Canadian media moguls or broadcasters objected to the repeated use of the f**** (relax it ends in "t") word in relation to gay men. No objections to the use of "chicks" in reference to women, those of allegedly loose morals or otherwise, have come to my attention, yet.
Apparently, lawyers have already been involved with the song at some stage.

Canadian media moguls or broadcasters objected to the repeated use of the f**** (relax it ends in "t") word in relation to gay men. No objections to the use of "chicks" in reference to women, those of allegedly loose morals or otherwise, have come to my attention, yet.
Those people give me a pain in my hole
"My, brother, knows, Karl Marx,
He met him eating mushrooms in the peoples park,
He said 'What do you think about my manifesto?'
'I like a manifesto, put it to the test-o.'
Took it straight down to meet the anarchist's party.
I met a groovy guy, he was arty farty,
He said 'I know a little latin man a cus man a kai'
I said 'I don't know what it means' he said 'neither do I'"

Sultans of ping - Where's me jumper
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The Jam - Down in the Tube Station at Midnight:

The distant echo - of faraway voices boarding faraway trains.
To take them home to the ones that they love and who love them forever.
The glazed, dirty steps - repeat my own and reflect my thoughts.

The Jam - That's Entertainment:

A police car and a screaming siren
A pneumatic drill and ripped up concrete
A baby wailing and stray dog howling
The screech of brakes and lamp light blinking
That's entertainment, that's entertainment.
"My, brother, knows, Karl Marx,
He met him eating mushrooms in the peoples park,
He said 'What do you think about my manifesto?'
'I like a manifesto, put it to the test-o.'
Took it straight down to meet the anarchist's party.
I met a groovy guy, he was arty farty,
He said 'I know a little latin man a cus man a kai'
I said 'I don't know what it means' he said 'neither do I'"
Your own work?
Don't forget your shovel if you want to go to work
Don't forget your shovel if you want to go to work
Don't forget your shovel if you want to go to work
Or you'll end up where you came from like the rest of us, digging, digging, digging.
Sounds like The Wiggles for grown ups.
It was a, big, hit for Ritchie..
Wiggles or no wiggles
It was Crusty Hoor.

You may be thinking of Richie Kavanagh’s song “keep the shovel tippin”. Although not as well-received as some of his other classics including “I love the smell of silage” and “me granny was a plucker”.
It was Crusty Hoor.

You may be thinking of Richie Kavanagh’s song “keep the shovel tippin”. Although not as well-received as some of his other classics including “I love the smell of silage” and “me granny was a plucker”.
No. I'm thinking of Ritchie Kavanagh' s Aon Focal Eile .
"Pack up all your dishes
Make note of all good wishes
And say goodbye to the landlord for me
That son of a bitch has always bored me

"Throw out them LA papers
And that mouldy box of vanilla wafers
Adios to all this concrete
Gonna get me some dirt road back streets"

L.A. Freeway
Song by the inimitable Guy Clark
Well I wake up in the morning and I jump straight out of bed
Grab a hold of that luminous jacket and shake that fuzzy head
I don't have time for a fancy breakfast or put muesli in a bowl
I just head to the stat oil garage for the jumbo breakfast roll

The bold Pat :D
Well, I didn’t see much future
when I left the Christian Brothers School

N17 - The Sawdoctors (and not that goddawful “Gloria” Lyric FM version by What’s-her-name and sung without gusto like she was constipated).