What about Varadkar as the next teashop?
I love the idea of an openly gay man in charge of the party which was the traditional bastion of the conservatives in this country.
Well yeah. He is 14/1. But again that is slightly inconsistent with the odds on next FG leader which is 2/1 Var, 9/4 Cov i.e. almost identical, so Cov looks better value at 20/1. There is money to be made here. You just need the imagination to picture the landscape after the election. Given this morning's polls here is a possible scenario.
FG 50 - seen as a big failure and pressure on Henda
FF 35 - Micháel Martin would seem safe for a while after that result
SF 25 - doesn't really matter, they don't figure in any of the possible government combinations
Lab 12 - pressure on Joan (might even lose her seat) but they don't seem to figure in the arithmetic
Smaller parties and independents - again with FG so low, there isn't a realistic arithmetic combination
So what would happen? A second GE seems likely as I don't think we are quite ready for a FF/FG coalition, but after a confirmation of the result there is more credibility is claiming a FF/FG coalition is what the people want. But Henda would surely have to resign as leader of FG and so too possibly would Joan of Labour - otherwise it would just be a re-run like the Nice and Lisbon Treaties. So who would be elected as leader of FG? It might depend on their respective constituency performances. Maybe FG grass roots aren't quite so modern minded as we think.
Yes that 20/1 against Cov looks good. You saw it here first folks.