I agree. I agree fully. Honest to Allah!! And I’m blaming the change in medication, at least, in part!!
This report is an absolute shambles. It’s available on the link below.
[broken link removed]
I like to read such reports, first hand, from time to time. I honestly cannot remember ever reading a more poorly structured, presented and written official report. I accept that these points relate primarily to style but they do count for something.
Moving on to substance, the value of pensions is very significant element in the report and the issue that has attracted greatest media reaction. I only managed to read up to page 48 which deals with the valuation basis of current pension benefits. I simply could not read beyond this.
Pretty much all of post 56 in this thread (apart from the parentheses) and the second paragraph of post 60 are….....wait for it……..
mot par mot citations from Horgan's report!! I truly believe this merits a

These valuation estimates are shoddy, almost beyond belief. Looking at each point individually, the Duke has already rightly ridiculed the tax treatment and had the sense to realise that there must be
...other compensating errors in your method you got more or less the same answer as John Horgan......
And indeed there are actually many errors but let me just deal with the biggest whopper. Horgan applies the following basis to calculate the value of the pension benefit.
- Current payments to pensioners €311m
- Current contributions of active members € 36m
- Cash-flow difference between (1) and (2) €275m
- Number of serving gardaí 12,816
- Shortfall per garda: (3) dividided by (4) €21,500
This logic is just so stupid. Just to expand, it would follow that if the numbers of gardaí were to double, the cost of their pension benefits would halve and vice versa!!
The second point is also plain stupid. Purple has already pointed out that the average pension is €33,000. Accordingly, the references to €25k and age 50 (especially without explaining why) are simply ludicrous.
Apart from the ineptitude of the report writer, I am struck by the matching ineptitude of the GRA in not immediately being able to undermine Horgan’s credibility (and by extension his argument) by highlighting any the above effectively. If they had, my little ruse in this thread would obviously not have worked. Remember the GRA had sight of the report for 2 weeks before its publication - so they had plenty of time to talk to someone who can count beyond ten without taking his shoes and socks off.
Incidentally, the related GRA press release is priceless. Apart from anything else, it's an absolute goldmine for my "writing errors" thread. It's pretty incredible that an organisation representing so many people, earning so much in total annual compensation (say, c. €100k

), could be so shoddy. In fairness to Horgan, he presumably negotiated a set fee for the job and was not going to waste any of it by sharing some of his fee with folk who could count well or type nicely.