Future price of Irish properties

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redo said:
Gravity is also a theory. If one was selling a house and there was no demand, what would one do in order to sell it?
Gravity is not a theory it is quantifiable force. In those precise circumstance you could say it will not sell. Of course that is not what you have said and does not apply to the real world especially when you are adding intent to the people involved. Economics is more like weather reports than a map.

Loki said:
Gravity is not a theory it is quantifiable force. In those precise circumstance you could say it will not sell. Of course that is not what you have said and does not apply to the real world especially when you are adding intent to the people involved. Economics is more like weather reports than a map.


But for arguments sake, would not conceed that if one wanted to sell, they would reduce the price in order to sell it?
SteelBlue05 said:
If demand falls then price will fall eventually, thats inevitable. You might think its a basic theory but it is factual based on a open market place.
It is a theory based on fact but not inevityable. In extreme made up situations yes you can make an ineviatble situation. In real life people are stating what "will" happen on top of another "will" on another "will" combined with intent . This is simple wrong, if you have a theory of what might happen you state it as so not fact.
redo said:
But for arguments sake, would not conceed that if one wanted to sell, they would reduce the price in order to sell it?

For arguments sake I would say it is completely rediculious to state opinion over speculative matters as fact. The arrogance to claim intent of entire sections of the market combined with prediction what will happen in world politics and economics as fact is remarkable.

If demand reduces it will have an effect what that effect and reactions based on that effect are complete and utter speculation. Lots of factors to consider and a narrow view of possibilities means you are closed minded
pension returns from irish pension funds are 10% per year AVERAGE over last ten years,add in the large tax benefits and its a great investment now when house price increases are uncertain and rental yields etc are so bad. if you want a risk free pension you can invest in one that buys bonds etc and you will get less return but add in the extra from tax benefits and it still a very good investment.
my brother and a few friends are renting a new 3 bed apartment in sandyford for 1350euro a month(16200 a year) that is "valued " at circa 500k! on an interest only mortgage that costs 19250 per year now and would cost 22k a year if ecb interest rates hit 3.25% in next year!,this cant be considered a good investment unless the buyer justs wants capital gains but incomes arent rising much and supply is catching demand so where are these capital gains gonna come from in the long run???
bearishbull said:
pension returns from irish pension funds are 10% per year AVERAGE over last ten years,add in the large tax benefits and its a great investment now when house price increases are uncertain and rental yields etc are so bad. if you want a risk free pension you can invest in one that buys bonds etc and you will get less return but add in the extra from tax benefits and it still a very good investment.
Well as I keep mentioneing not an interest only mortgage for a very specific reason I think you are just repeating yourself and ignoring the point. The speculative nature of interest only is one way to attempt to make money. A houses as a pension is another differnt one with less risks and financially viable for many people in the market currently. You do realise somepeople get all the tax breaks on investment property as if it was a pension?
redo said:
So reduced demand will have an effect on prices?

How do you know, are you speculating?

No I am not speculating. I did not state what would happen therefore did not speculate what the effects would be. You just aren't good enought to catch me out and my point is well made.

Loki said:
No I am not speculating. I did not state what would happen therefore did not speculate what the effects would be. You just aren't good enought to catch me out and my point is well made.

You did not speculate what the possible effect of reduced demand would have on prices but you did say reduced demand will have an effect.

You are stating this as fact; reduced demand will have an effect.
This post will be deleted if not edited immediately lads lay off the semantics - its making this thread cluttered alot less interesting to read - the next one to post a link to dictionary.com gets a slap ;-)
redo said:
You did not speculate what the possible effect of reduced demand would have on prices but you did say reduced demand will have an effect.

You are stating this as fact; reduced demand will have an effect.

You know you should address your language as unless you can tell the future you are speculating
redo said:
You know you should address your language as unless you can tell the future you are speculating

You do realise I have been saying I have been speculating and that what is being said here is specultive. Therfore yes I have been speculating and not stating my opinion as fact which was my point. My language has been a lot more percise than yours as you lost the whole point of what was being siad. You also have to resort to repaeting things I said:)
Loki said:
You do realise I have been saying I have been speculating and that what is being said here is specultive. Therfore yes I have been speculating and not stating my opinion as fact which was my point. My language has been a lot more percise than yours as you lost the whole point of what was being siad. You also have to resort to repaetingthings I said:)

Ok, now we are now getting somewhere. You have previously said that reduced demand would effect the price, but would not speculate how, ie reduced or higher prices etc.

Redo said:
No, the demand for houses comes from many sectors, including investors. I am simply saying that any fall in demand, (from investors) will have an effect on the relative prices or house price inflation, if you will.

Loki said:
No your are wrong it is still may. You don't know if investors demand is reduced by punative government intervention that also encourages others. It is not "will" when you are talking speculation it is "I think" "it may".

Loki said:
If demand reduces it will have an effect what that effect and reactions based on that effect are complete and utter speculation. Lots of factors to consider and a narrow view of possibilities means you are closed minded

You don't mind if I resort to repeating some of your previous statements for clarity.;)
redo said:
Ok, now we are now getting somewhere. You have previously said that reduced demand would effect the price, but would not speculate how, ie reduced or higher prices etc.

You don't mind if I resort to repeating some of your previous statements for clarity.;)
You are just plain stupid at this point. I am not agreeing with you at any point on this. Saying there will be an effect is not the same as speculating what that effect is. I said people should stae they are speculting about effects. I am done you want to think you won something feel free. Your opinin is not fact and is speculation. go back to the start and read why it was said and about what. I will not bother responding to any more on how people are mistating their opinion as fact.
Loki said:
You are just plain stupid at this point. I am not agreeing with you at any point on this. Saying there will be an effect is not the same as speculating what that effect is. I said people should stae they are speculting about effects. I am done you want to think you won something feel free. Your opinin is not fact and is speculation. go back to the start and read why it was said and about what. I will not bother responding to any more on how people are mistating their opinion as fact.

Maybe you could put that dictionary to good use and start checking your spelling. Drivel is one thing but misspelt drivel is unbearable.
Loki said:
You are just plain stupid at this point. I am not agreeing with you at any point on this. Saying there will be an effect is not the same as speculating what that effect is. I said people should stae they are speculting about effects. I am done you want to think you won something feel free. Your opinin is not fact and is speculation. go back to the start and read why it was said and about what. I will not bother responding to any more on how people are mistating their opinion as fact.

This thread is about the future price of irish properties. It is all speculation. People here are using facts and statistics to augment their points of view. You continually state that people are wrong or stupid when they express their views legitimately. I don't think that this board is reaps any benefit whilst you are a member. I urge the admin to give to a ban of a week so that we may continue airing our views.
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