Front page Picture in Evening Herald this evening

Aparently all attractive members of PWC staff are employed as auditors ( customer orientated ), and the not so attractive ones are working in Tax...
If I were a HR manager, and two guys came for an interview,both had equal qualifications and manners/personality etc, If one was better looking that the other,I would opt for the better looking one..why not..
Its a hard knock life..
does anyone else think the majority of the young ladies all look alike? I'd wonder about their hr poilcy :d


Though, this is probably not the full intake. Just the ones the 'genius' who compiled and mailed out the list deemed worthy of inclusion.
If I were a HR manager, and two guys came for an interview,both had equal qualifications and manners/personality etc, If one was better looking that the other,I would opt for the better looking one..why not..
Its a hard knock life..

I read somewhere that there is research which proves this actually happens - now it might have been a poll by the Daily Mail.
Aparently all attractive members of PWC staff are employed as auditors ( customer orientated ), and the not so attractive ones are working in Tax...


Those that work in Tax are also very much client facing :p
If I were a HR manager, and two guys came for an interview,both had equal qualifications and manners/personality etc, If one was better looking that the other,I would opt for the better looking one..why not..
Its a hard knock life..

I worked in tax.....not in pwc.....are you trying to tell me something!
It is the ultimate insult by the Sindo to publish this article yesterday when it was their own papers - The Herald and the Independent- who published the girls photos.
Typical of the Sindo. From reading the article you would think that it was an entirely different media outlet that published the photos. And for most of last week the area around the PWC offices were crawling with so called journalists trying to invent stories.