Front page Picture in Evening Herald this evening

It's irrelevant but I wouldn't describe any of the associates I work with as "way down near the bottom".
What are people actually giving out about?

1) The fact that lads and girls talk about how hot their work colleagues are?
2) The fact these lads stupidly put it in an email
3) The fact that one of them sent it outside the company
4) The fact that the paper printed the pictures

As far as i'm concerned 1 is normal and acceptable, 2/3 are certainly not a good idea and 4 is what you'd expect from that paper. 2 probably comes into play since PWC is such a large company, we have a staff list on our intranet :D
T. Tll! Don't think the boys have much of a future career in the company though!

You are joking!!
This will do wonders for the boy's career's in PWC. As we speak they are probable been offered promotion as they have shown themselves to be the type of boys the company likes. As for the "girls" involved - what woman wouldn't like to see herself referred to as the best c..t out of ten. Such a wonderful honour. I loved the way the Irish Indo and Evening Rag published the photos of the "girls" but refused to publish to names of the "men" concerned.

It's like the appalling Stephen McNamare of Ryanair insisting that the girlie calender is for charity when everyone know neither NcNamare or O'Leary would give a drink to a dying man unless there was a photographer present.
It all about money at the end of the day. That's the bottom line.
I would imagine that for various reasons,the girls who are in the "top ten" may be annoyed.,perhaps not though.

But imagine if your daughter was working there and didn't make it into the top ten.. you would feel for her...

So you could have a lot of women who are very intelligent, hard working etc,but according to some of their male counterparts they don't cut muster.

I would hope this wouldn't bother them,but they are knowing someone doesn't think you are attractive,be it a man or woman and have it put into the public domain must be offensive.
I love the fact that the evening herald is taking the moral high ground while printing the pictures! Look, this has been going on for years. I worked for a big four firm in my younger years and I have worked in trading floors in london. The big 4 firm was way worse in terms of this type of thing! It was better than college! They take on loads of kids out of university every year. They have money and the companies encourage a work hard, play hard life. What do they expect? I was once voted guy with the best personality and we all know what that means!
[broken link removed]

I wonder how long the company on the top left will remain a client of the firm!
Hopefully PWC have to make a suitable financial settlement to all the new intake whether they made the list or not. These women are not fools. They are top graduates who came through a thorough selection system and may have been offered traineeships with other firms. They have PWC on the floor and should start pressing the stiletto heels on the neck.

And as for the fool who started the e mail he will be thrown to the wolves. If Bank of Ireland can do it to Soden then a young fool in PWC won't be saved.
Hopefully PWC have to make a suitable financial settlement to all the new intake whether they made the list or not.

I doubt it. PwC are pretty tight, so I expect the only thing they may get is some of veiled apology. AFAIK the only thing that has happend so far is that senior management have spoken individually to the girls, but there has been no mention of any sort of compensation.

One of the things that amuses me about this whole affair is that PwC, an organisation with a very high opinion of itself, puts itself forward as an expert in the areas of IT, Systems Implementation, HR management, etc. It has fallen down miserabley on some of those very areas in which it purports to be an expert.
One of the things that amuses me about this whole affair is that PwC, an organisation with a very high opinion of itself, puts itself forward as an expert in the areas of IT, Systems Implementation, HR management, etc. It has fallen down miserabley on some of those very areas in which it purports to be an expert.

Indeed - along with the factor that the individual staff involved, supposedly the cream of the cream of young Irish professionals were stupid enough to believe that they wouldn't get caught.

My memory of the annual intake announcements was that you could see with partners recruited based on surname/school/rugby/golf and which ones recruited based on talent.
I think ye are being a bit OTT on the cynicism here. You can be guaranteed they have every policy to beat the band, and a staff handbook second to none. Given the fuss some individuals will be taken out and shot.... unnecessarily... but there you go.

But you cant legislate for the behaviour of individuals, if only policies and procedures could fix everything Ireland would be trouble free about 10 years ago (when we went PC and procedures & policies-mad). Trouble is that that they are so unwieldy and 'dust gathering' in nature that then get ignored and it will always boil back to basic cop on. Cop on would have said its risky to send an email on the particular issue involved.

As to how it reflects on the firm - plenty of bovine excrement being written about "top brass", "sexist culture" etc.- giz a break. The people involved were in door a year or two, "yellow packers" you might say, part of the 3 year assembly line. Sculpted more by oi-bi-fa uncovered and college binge drinking that any corporate culture that infected them. Boys will be Boys after all, and what they did was relatively harmless.

Neoptism and 'old boys club' is everywhere in Ireland and is irrelevant to this tale.

As for the ladies, I think they'd be most unwise to make a fuss or look for money. This has been a hassle for them (made a lot worse by the newspapers), I bet they just want to get on with the job and forget about this episode. Trying to cash in would mark you out as an opportunist and you can be guaranteed that your career in that firm wouldnt extend beyond your initial contract - at the start of what should be a good career the last thing you'd want to do is "dirty your bib". Given the calibre of the people involved I'd be amazed if they've any interest in trying to turn a grimy buck out of it.
Indeed - along with the factor that the individual staff involved, supposedly the cream of the cream of young Irish professionals were stupid enough to believe that they wouldn't get caught.

My memory of the annual intake announcements was that you could see with partners recruited based on surname/school/rugby/golf and which ones recruited based on talent.

+++1 on that
Indeed - along with the factor that the individual staff involved, supposedly the cream of the cream of young Irish professionals were stupid enough to believe that they wouldn't get caught.

My memory of the annual intake announcements was that you could see with partners recruited based on surname/school/rugby/golf and which ones recruited based on talent.

As you're fond of saying when you bend over backwards to defend the public service: "Show us the evidence".
As you're fond of saying when you bend over backwards to defend the public service: "Show us the evidence".

Ok then, I'll go dig out that pile of newsletters from the organisation that I worked in 15-20 years ago and get you all the evidence you need. Hold on there until I get back down from the attic - it's worth waiting for, I promise.
Everyone is entitled to dignity and respect in the workplace and to describe your colleagues as "new klunge" is not on in my book.

PWC with such a high opinion of itself for recruiting only the best would want to re-think that on the grounds of the cop on of those guys - if they had brains they would be dangerous. Surely with the competition for jobs in this day and age there are better able candidates who are willing to do a day's work for a day's pay. I know plenty. They sound like a pack of juvenile idiots and on what PWC charge out I would hate to have any of these plonkers sent to my office.

The papers are also out of line publishing people's photos like they are on FBI's most wanted list.

I believe they (PWC) are sending out emails to their clients apologising.
Does anyone else think the majority of the young ladies all look alike? I'd wonder about their HR poilcy :D