Fingerprinting at Airports - any objections?

10/20 years ago you could breeze through an airport on your way to the boarding gate - nowadays you have to remove yer shoes and belt enroute ... you're not allowed to bring large bottles of drink on with you ... your bags can be emptied and searched and regularly are ... and now at the far side you're also subjected to further checks ... you telling me this isn't an intrusion on our liberties? Sure there is argument put forward that this is all needed to prevent the "baddies" blowing us all up but I don't buy into that meself.

I said day-to-day in Ireland. That does not mean international travel. I agree that air travel has become a pain the ass but 10/20 years ago, loonies weren't flying airlines into skyscrapers.
10/20 years ago you could breeze through an airport on your way to the boarding gate - nowadays you have to remove yer shoes and belt enroute ... you're not allowed to bring large bottles of drink on with you ... your bags can be emptied and searched and regularly are ... and now at the far side you're also subjected to further checks ... you telling me this isn't an intrusion on our liberties? Sure there is argument put forward that this is all needed to prevent the "baddies" blowing us all up but I don't buy into that meself.

ya - you have to take off your shoes?

So what ?
There was a shoe-bomber in teh past.

If they didn't start checking peoples shoes given teh shoe-bomber episode and another shoe-bomber blew up a plane we'd all be giving out stink.
It seems to be a lose-lose situation all round for the authroities.

soemone asked the question do i feel i have less liberties today?
The answer is 99.99% of teh time i am not inconvenienced by any of these checks.

Like - what percentage of my life am i lining up to get on a plane?
a very tiny amount.

Out of curiosity - what security checks do you consider appropriate?

personal;ly i think it's people trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill.

All this talk of "this is just the start of it" is all the scare-mongers out there trying to put the frights up everyone.

I say get over it - in your normal everyday activity it has next to zero impact in your life.

And as for airport checks, personally I am pro them given the peace of mind it affords me.
It adds maybe 10-15 mins max to my travelling experience.

So what!
Big deal !

I can deal with that just fine.
I would doubt it. Try it and let us know what happens, especially if someone sees you.

I do it regularly. In private of course (I hope...or do I ?).
I would probably get a worse reaction in 1988 if somebody saw me than if I was spotted in 2008. Hence, more freedom now I suppose.
If you ever need proof that people can be treated like sheep, it's convincing them that pouring their 300 ml of shampoo into 3x100ml bottles is making them safer. (of course once you are past security you can buy a bottle and re-constitute the 300ml)
In Edinburgh Airport we had someone wave a 'special stick' of a small cosmetics container to make sure is wasn't explosive. Amazing that they can check every explosive substance or pre-cursor known to man by using a simple stick.

We were also under constant surveillance everytime we left our hotel room by the ubiquitous CCTV. Train stations were especially scary. At one small station I noticed at least 15 CCTV cameras!

I also heard the story that the airline staff are subjected to the same rigorous 'security'. They stopped a pilot going through with a bottle of contact lens solution... hmm.
personal;ly i think it's people trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill.

All this talk of "this is just the start of it" is all the scare-mongers out there trying to put the frights up everyone.

I say get over it - in your normal everyday activity it has next to zero impact in your

I agree. Most of this scare-mongering and conspiracy stuff is Hollywood driven too.
ya - you have to take off your shoes?

So what ?
There was a shoe-bomber in teh past.

If they didn't start checking peoples shoes given teh shoe-bomber episode and another shoe-bomber blew up a plane we'd all be giving out stink.

1 shoe bomber and we're all in a flap ... what about the London bombers - bombs in bags on a bus - so should we all be subject to inspection of our bags when boarding a bus? Likewise on trains. Why the different rules - are all terrorists more likely to board an airplane? Have ye peace of mind sitting on a bus or train? If so did ye stop to wonder why that is ... maybe yer not scared into thinking the same threat exists on these?
ya - you have to take off your shoes?

So what ?
There was a shoe-bomber in teh past.
Taking your shoes off is a farce.
1. You don't always have to take your shoes off - different airports have different standards and rules.
2. By your logic (that it happened in the past) what security precautions have they implemented on London Underground?
3. There are infinite more methods of downing a plane, which would pass current security.

[Post crossed with above]
I agree. Most of this scare-mongering and conspiracy stuff is Hollywood driven too.

It's those advocating these extra checks that are running scared in my book - me personally I'm not afraid to get on a plane and would happily do so without all these extra security checks - it's the bloody hassle of it that puts me off these days! The scare-mongering is those that think we need all these security checks to keep us nice and safe from the bad guys cause it's such a bad dangerous world out there! Yer much more likely to be attacked by a mob of drunk teenagers than to be blown up by some suicide bomber so should we all be afraid to walk down the street?
You can get a new passport. You can't get new fingerprints.
Which is why its highly unlikely that your fingerprints will ever be used alone as an ID check.

It's a huge deal. Once that info is out it's out. It's easily replicated data that can be copied infinitely without deterioration . Look at what happens when mp3's of a new album gets leaked, (and it only takes one CD to get in the wrong hands). It's all over the internet in a day.
So someone gets their hands on those CDs in a few month/years you have details of every person with a kid under 16 in the UK up on the Pirate Bay, USENET, whereever. No big deal? Really?

But so what? Peoples details change with time. Its just plain paranoia to worry about data that is 10 years old showing up somewhere.

I'm fine Jack. You haven't been killed in a car crash either, so I guess that's not a problem either.

You missed the point of that entirely - what I meant is that statistically its unlikely my details will get into the wrong hands, nothing to do with Im fine Jack. Obviously there is a need to protect data - but lets not start losing our hair if the odd mistake happens. Data can be changed. You can get new details.

The article you have linked to has nothing to do with an individuals identity or theft of it.

Clearly you have a sense of paranoia about Big Brother, your data being copied indefinitely, your identity being stolen, your DNA being used to make clones of yourself or something. I dont.
Im not that important in the scheme of things, I just get on with my life and the issues that occupy my mind are not 'what is the government or someone else going to do with my identity details' - seriously, theres more to life than worrying about things like that.
2. By your logic (that it happened in the past) what security precautions have they implemented on London Underground?

[Post crossed with above]

When the IRA were murdering people in the UK, they removed all rubbish bins from the Tube and added a huge amount of surveillance cameras. The Tube was regularly shut down in the 80s/90s due to suspect packages spotted on camera. I can imagine it would be extremely difficult to make the security as tight as an airport to deter suicide bombers but it may happen some day.
Why the different rules - are all terrorists more likely to board an airplane?

Well a plane as displayed on 9/11 can certainly be used to far better effect for causing destruction than say a bus on 7/7.
That would probably be one reason why there are more security checks in getting ona plane.

Answer me this Ceist Beag - in your regular day to day activity are you in any way less free than you were,say, 10 years ago?

Like- is all this huffing and puffing by you seriously because you have to queue up for 15 minutes exta at the airport ?

because if it is, then i'd hate to meet you when you have a proper problem to grumble about.
But so what? Peoples details change with time. Its just plain paranoia to worry about data that is 10 years old showing up somewhere.
DNA and fingerprints don't change over time.
It's those advocating these extra checks that are running scared in my book - me personally I'm not afraid to get on a plane and would happily do so without all these extra security checks - it's the bloody hassle of it that puts me off these days! The scare-mongering is those that think we need all these security checks to keep us nice and safe from the bad guys cause it's such a bad dangerous world out there! Yer much more likely to be attacked by a mob of drunk teenagers than to be blown up by some suicide bomber so should we all be afraid to walk down the street?

Ceist beag - you are seriously not seeing teh big picture here.

presumably teh whole point of the security measures is
a) to prevent some attack from occurring
b) to deter any potential attacks.

i.e. i presume it primarily serves as a deterrent as opposed to a prevention.

And it is because of these checks that make it far less likely you will be blown up in a plane.

If these checks didn't occur, the likelihood of beiung blown up in a plane would be far greater,albeit still very slim.
In Edinburgh Airport we had someone wave a 'special stick' of a small cosmetics container to make sure is wasn't explosive. Amazing that they can check every explosive substance or pre-cursor known to man by using a simple stick.

We were also under constant surveillance everytime we left our hotel room by the ubiquitous CCTV. Train stations were especially scary. At one small station I noticed at least 15 CCTV cameras!

I also heard the story that the airline staff are subjected to the same rigorous 'security'. They stopped a pilot going through with a bottle of contact lens solution... hmm.

Not sure if your being serious here ' we were under constant surveillance everytime we left our hotel room' I mean either you are a dangerous man or have a great sense of self importance. CCTV camera are there as security, maybe if people stopped vandalising property, committing crimes, putting in dodgy claims etc then there would be far less of a need for security cameras.
I think most of regular travelers agree that the current airport security for passengers are mostly window dressing and driven by polictics rather than real security needs. But that is a different story.

I have nothing against legit usage of my biometric data by the goverment (my current passport has not only my digital picture but also 2 finger prints in it) where it makes sense.

Iris Scanner in the UK to pass through immigration in 60 seconds rather than being trapped in a long queue.
Fingerprinting to speed up the immigration in the US on the new automated check points rather than queing to talk to immigration.
Registered traveler program to speed up airport security checks so that you don't have to stand behind the crowed who never flow before and does not know what 100ml is.

But I am absolutly against using fingerprints just because a private company like BAA decides that their shopping center needs more revenue and hence they force all domestic passengers to get finger printed. While they claim that nobody has access to the system and they delete the data within 24 hours, I don't trust a company that can't run an airport correctly.

Let's face it, these days most of our privacy is gone anyhow and the goverment knows more about me than 5 years ago, but it's not all bad.

My biometric passports makes it easier for me to move arround, the fact that biometrics are used in immigration makes it faster to pass.

I'm willing to give up some of my privacy if it is good for me and it's done with my consent, but just so that BAA can route me via their useless shops, please....
When the IRA were murdering people in the UK, they removed all rubbish bins from the Tube and added a huge amount of surveillance cameras. The Tube was regularly shut down in the 80s/90s due to suspect packages spotted on camera. I can imagine it would be extremely difficult to make the security as tight as an airport to deter suicide bombers but it may happen some day.
How will it happen?
Even with all that security, the IRA still managed to do this;
Which cost the UK Government a fortune. In other words, by putting security somewhere, and all you are doing is moving the problem.

The thing that did seem to stop the IRA military campaign was the peace process.

Well a plane as displayed on 9/11 can certainly be used to far better effect for causing destruction than say a bus on 7/7.
That would probably be one reason why there are more security checks in getting ona plane.
How about bombing the London Underground under the Thames, and flooding a huge portion of it?
I'm willing to give up some of my privacy if it is good for me and it's done with my consent, but just so that BAA can route me via their useless shops, please....

You seem pretty sure there DublinTexas that it is all about getting people to shop more.

What are you basing your convictions on?
Not sure if your being serious here ' we were under constant surveillance everytime we left our hotel room' I mean either you are a dangerous man or have a great sense of self importance. CCTV camera are there as security, maybe if people stopped vandalising property, committing crimes, putting in dodgy claims etc then there would be far less of a need for security cameras.
So Scotland is the safest place in the world then is it?

DNA and fingerprints don't change over time.
which is why, for the third time, it is highly unlikely that either would be used as a stand alone ID check.
They are though, aren't they? - I'm pretty sure fingerprints are used as a stand alone ID check for timekeeping systems etc, and DNA has often been used by courts to identify people.
Answer me this Ceist Beag - in your regular day to day activity are you in any way less free than you were,say, 10 years ago?

Like- is all this huffing and puffing by you seriously because you have to queue up for 15 minutes exta at the airport ?

because if it is, then i'd hate to meet you when you have a proper problem to grumble about.
No need to get personal qwerty! You don't think it's hassle at airports these days, I do - we don't agree, as ye say yerself big deal, so what? Do ye think by getting personal you'll change my mind? I don't believe I'm grumbling here either - merely making my point.

And it is because of these checks that make it far less likely you will be blown up in a plane.

If these checks didn't occur, the likelihood of beiung blown up in a plane would be far greater,albeit still very slim.
My point is I don't fear being blown up on a plane - 9/11 has no impact on my personal opinion on the safety of flying - if I was to believe all these security checks are necessary I'd imagine I'd be a bit of a nervous wreck! I think it's all just window dressing to make it look like they're doing something to make us all feel nice and safe.