Yes, Fine Gaels astonishing inaction on the plight of 300,000 home owners that are being abused by the banks with regard to variable mortgage interest rates has come home to bite them. The middle class of this Country are not stupid and have spoken with their vote.
Take a cursery look at the female candidates FG put forward in Election2016
Anne Marie Dermody Solicitor
Thomasina Connell Solicitor
Ciara McPhilips Solicitor
Josephina Madigan Solicitor
Personally, I have no problem with solicitors, female or otherwise, but really, is Fine Gael the party to take on the banks ? I think not. "The dog who bites the hand that feeds it, regularly goes hungry."
Fine Fail would do well to take notice ! 300,000 homeowners equates to 500,000 voters approx.