I'm not even sure if I like my children anymore.....
Joking apart, with three sons in the twentysomething age bracket I find as I pass the 50 age mark that I am beginning to slow down, falter, lose the bottle, feel the long winters, tired of being a taxi driver to my children, tired of having helpful advice thrown back in my face, cleaning up after them, not being appreciated etc etc.
One of my sons has moved from his home where he had an en suite bathroom, T.V., Video recorder, DVD recorder, P.C. He is now paying rent instead of living at home free of charge, his mobile phone bill is about 200 Euro a month yet he still manages to clock up calls on my landline. My other son blows money. Buys CD's and doesn't even play them. Wouldn't dream of buying a cake or treat for his for his mother. Drinks in the expensive superpubs. Buys expensive clothes and doesn't even wear them. Never has the correct change for the bus, so we have all these bus tickets thrown about the place with 30 or 40 cents refund on them. Couldn't be bothered to collect his refund...and so on
Yeah I love them warts and all but I find that love takes energy that I don't seem to have any more (no advice or remedies please). Australia for our winters is looking good, I saw where you could buy a 4 bedroomed house close to Brisbane for about Euro 170k.. anyone done any research into this?