European Parliament Elections

Ireland South will be very tight.

John Mullins transfers will be so important and there's no reference to what they'll be as no other FG candidate has had votes transferred.

I'll guess about 33-35,000 will transfer.

Wallace will get a few hundred or so. Funchion might get 1000, McNamara 2-3k. So 30k for the others.

If Ni Murchu & O'Sullivan get a decent share (7k + 9K) and Wallace just gets the few hundred, Wallace will be gone and his transfers will decide and how they'll go is anyone's guess.

But at present, looking good for Wallace to be gone
Both these scruffs will be on the cadge at the next General election, hopefully they'll be run out of town then as well.
Result in Ireland South... Mick Wallace gone.

And people say nothing good ever came from the Eurovision... Cynthia ni Mhurchu in
The transfers from eliminated Green Party MEP Grace O'Sullivan were key.

Result in Ireland South... Mick Wallace gone.

And people say nothing good ever came from the Eurovision... Cynthia ni Mhurchu in
The transfers from eliminated Green Party MEP Grace O'Sullivan were key.

Wallace and Daly are gone but will they ever be forgotten
Wallace and Daly are gone but will they ever be forgotten
I fear they still have some capacity to stink the place out a while longer given their notoriety though at least not from platform of MEP.
Might see Daly try for a Dail seat.
Will Mary Lou be under pressure from the party leadership? She might be so summoned up to Belfast for a talking to.
Will Mary Lou be under pressure from the party leadership? She might be so summoned up to Belfast for a talking to.
Let's hope she is not summoned..... aren't they ok as they are. God forbid.....they might get someone good and might just turn things around..
SF, while not living up to its expectations, gained one MEP.

The biggest losers were I4C and the GP which both lost their two seats and have no MEPs.

In the share of first preference votes, I4C was down 2.82%, but the GP was down 6.04%.

SF maintained its eighty-one seats in the local elections while the GP was down four.

Why is there so much talk about SF and not GP?
Why is there so much talk about SF and not GP?
Because polls had SF as biggest party in state with up to 35% support. The reality of elections has proved SF have no where near that support they are actually around 20% effectively, the momentum they had is gone, they have a tired leader with no enthusiasm and no go. Even in 2020 their high point FF was still the biggest party in the Dail. Why there is not a bigger investigation into how the pollsters are getting so wrong. How are they double their sampling they are obviously getting something very wrong
Why is there so much talk about SF and not GP?
Because polls had SF as biggest party in state with up to 35% support. The reality of elections has proved SF have no where near that support they are actually around 20% effectively, the momentum they had is gone, they have a tired leader with no enthusiasm and no go. Even in 2020 their high point FF was still the biggest party in the Dail.

Why there is not a bigger investigation into how the pollsters are getting so wrong. How are they doing their sampling they are obviously getting something very wrong. There is also alot of arrogance with the pollsters, they use mathematical jargon to deflect criticism because they know the media are mostly non numerate
Be interested in seeing what the army council decide on future leadership. Its an Oct election post a giveaway budget ..... the army council would be foolish to change horses mid stream.
I agree about polling. Its not an exact science.

However, polls are one thing; results are another.

I suspect an anti-green theme amongst those who voted for independents.

Sometimes a fixation on one perceived threat can result in unawareness of a greater threat.

We can see the rise in the abuse of and violence against candidates.

One candidate was attacked by a thug with a knife who claimed that Dublin’s inner city was for far-right.
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suspect an anti-green theme amongst those who voted for independents.

Sometimes a fixation on one perceived threat can result in unawareness of a greater threat.
Still in the European elections 2 moderate common sense independents Michael mcnamara and ciaran mulloolly were elected and 2 hard leftist supporters of putin lost their seats. In my opinion that was a great outcome and far more positive than the 2019 elections
Can you describe Mullooly as ‘moderate common sense’.

His association with Boylan for one argues against that description.

His comments on the recent EU Nature Restoration Law were objectively incorrect and could be seen as an effort to stir up farmers.

It’s bad enough to stir people based on reality, but to do so clear misrepresentation of reality is far worse.

He said that the NRL was ‘passed without proper consideration by our Dáil’ In fact the Dáil voted 121 to 9 in favour of it.

The use of ‘our’ above is reminiscent of the worst type of litte Englander. A clear effort to contrast us and them.