Euromillions - who is doing it?

ClubMan said:
As Voltaire said - "lotteries are a tax on stupidity".

If you're not in you can win - sometimes luck beats probability.
I realize it's highly unlikely I will become a euro-millionaire tonight but there is a chance and for EUR4 it's one I'm willing to take.
kazbah said:
sometimes luck beats probability.
Er, can you explain that one in a bit more detail please?! :confused:
I realize it's highly unlikely I will become a euro-millionaire tonight but there is a chance and for EUR4 it's one I'm willing to take.
I'd be happy to bet you €10,000 that you will not win it. I am willing to pledge this money to Brendan as an independent observer if you want to take me up on this bet. Seriously.
ClubMan said:
Er, can you explain that one in a bit more detail please?!

Just what I said ;) - If the odds are 1 in 74m (or whatever was quoted above), from a statistical/probability POV it is highly unlikely that I will win but all it takes is to be that 1 in 74m which may happen. I mean it's like tossing a coin - you could toss once a get a head and keep tossing and get all tails. But the probability of getting either is still 1 in 2. What your outcome was has no bearing on that probability. So every line has the same chance and 7 numbers will be drawn.

ClubMan said:
I'd be happy to bet you €10,000 that you will not win it. I am willing to pledge this money to Brendan as an independent observer if you want to take me up on this bet. Seriously.

Win "it"? I presume you mean the 5 main numbers and 2 lucky stars or whatever is needed for the jackpot, not just €8 ;)

That's not a very attractive proposition for me. If I have won €150m, €10k isn't going to make any difference. If I've lost. My €4 gamble costs me €10,004 for the same odds. I'd be better off putting the €10k into more tickets. Or better still leaving it where it is! So thanks but no thanks, that seems lose-lose to me.
kazbah said:
Win "it"? I presume you mean the 5 main numbers and 2 lucky stars or whatever is needed for the jackpot, not just €8 ;)

That's not a very attractive proposition for me. If I have won €150m, €10k isn't going to make any difference. If I've lost. My €4 gamble costs me €10,004 for the same odds. I'd be better off putting the €10k into more tickets. Or better still leaving it where it is! So thanks but no thanks, that seems lose-lose to me.
Yes - I was referring to the jackpot win (outright or shared seeing that I'm feeling generous). The offer is open to anybody else who is interested. Seriously.
ClubMan said:
Yes - I was referring to the jackpot win (outright or shared seeing that I'm feeling generous). The offer is open to anybody else who is interested. Seriously.

if they don't win they give you €10k?

They'd be MAD!
ClubMan said:
It's a fair bet with no strings attached. No more mad than playing the lotto.

For an equivalent 2 euro bet or whatever on Euro Millions tonight you would have to offer 5000 times the euro million jackpot if you are looking for someone to bet 10k with you.

And no, I'm not interested.
That means you could double your money if you buy 76,275,360 different numbered tickets and hope no-one else won it!

A ticket costs €2 so this doesn't make sense - until next week. It's really too much money for one person to win - if you live a €150M lifestyle you make yourself a target for kidnappers, begging letters (non-one else has that kind of cash lying around, most rich people's monet is tied up in businesses, family trusts etc.) and if you don't live a €150M lifestyle, what's the point in having all the money? If I won, I would give away most of it - €10M would keep me quite happy.
Got our 32 lines done; very trusting all those who gave me 2euro for quick picks this morning!
Obviously playing euro millions isn't high up on my list of priorities as I never asked what time terminals close at ( although I see from above it might be 7:30 )
ClubMan said:
It's a fair bet with no strings attached. No more mad than playing the lotto.

Ahh, but your giving no odds, methinks the house has quite the advantage on this one.;)
The 'house' always has the advantage — I think that's the whole point...? :rolleyes:

Of course, if the big winner tomorrow turns out to be another [broken link removed], the National Lottery can simply look forward to another profit 'spike' in the weeks to come...

Perhaps it might inspire them to update their [broken link removed]...?
Largest individual winner to date:
May 21st 1997 - €7,892,753 scooped by an anonymous winner
Well this is the web site to be on then if one does win! All you financial experts / accountants/ solicitors etc out there, no need to go anywhere else for advice. I think it would be easy to get rid of 150 million Euro. Sort out family and friends, then charities, invest a bit in property (still a good bet ) a holiday, new car, that should put a hole in it to start with while having a think about what to do with the rest of it. I haven't checked my numbers yet. :D
Well don't bother dashing to check your numbers too quickly, the largest sum won in Ireland was approx €96K.

The big prize wasn't won and will be an estimated €180million on Friday next.

Will I play it? An emphatic yes, €2 for some great fantasies over the next week seems a small price to pay!

My parents were part of a syndicate about 12 years ago now that won the jackpot on the National Lottery. It was a big deal at the time for us (I got a new bike) and I'm more optimistic than most as a result ;)
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I'd genuinely be somewhat afraid of winning a sum that large, in terms of what it would do to my life - Just give me 2m or 3m from the normal Lotto and i'll be quite happy.`