employers stories of poor employees?

Re: poor employees

He gave them a job, what more can he do?!

Show them some respect . . Doesnt cost a thing that . . .

Op commented on poor employees. Mentioned not shaving as being lazy, very broad assumption hence the point on beards, at what stage does a person stop being lazy with a stubble!
Re: poor employees

I would have no problem telling a customer facing employee to sort themselves out if they came into work looking scruffy. That’s the core issue.
Re: poor employees

I would have no problem telling a customer facing employee to sort themselves out if they came into work looking scruffy. That’s the core issue.

Agreed - I've had to tell someone to not wear runners again, in a professional working environment. Sometimes you have to wonder...
Re: poor employees

I had an employee who came in to work and hung up her jeans to dry on the back of the cubicle loo door. She then turned on the two bar heater that she had requested in the loo because it was too cold to change in to her staff uniform in the mornings. I was leaving the office on this evening and was going around switching off the lights etc when I was hit with a faceful of heat when I opened the door to the loo. I hate to think what might of happened if I had not done my usual walkabout. When I spoke to her the next day she couldn't understand what she had done wrong other than say "but my jeans were wet".
I understand that she is now living and working in the Mullingar area!
Re: poor employees

I once supervised a person who went around with one bit of paper with one query on it for 3 days and did nothing else. Same person took an hour and a half lunch break constantly. When pulled up over it, she got her Dad (she was over 30 at the time and I was mid twenties) to phone me up to complain that she was not the only one who was late for lunch (the others had been challenged too by the way)

That same place also had the wait till I am back from my lunch to use the loo type of mentality.

People would also be constantly 10-15minutes late in for their shift, but would almost disintegrate if they ended up staying a minute after clock off time.

More recently, Someone else in our office more recently clocked up 100's of Euros worth of a personal phone bill. Also got the hump when tackled on it.

Another person I know abused the internet and took umbridge when given out to. Ended up "going sick with stress" and employer had to pay off to get rid.

The list goes on....................but it is a two sided thing, could tell you some employer stories too.
Re: poor employees

In a firm i worked in, a Junior employee used to text in every so often that he would be late as he had to take his younger sister to school. The manager allowed him get away with it.

Also i had a manager above me doing fairly similar job to me. it amazing what he gets away with, arrives 9am has read of paper and tea till 10, does some work, surfs the net playing card game, goes to lunch at 12.40 till 2pm- makes numerous personal calls and uses company time to draw up and mark exam paper for night class he gives outside job. he is on over one and half times my salary and to make it worse i did a calulation of invoices issued in 2008(wanted to make sure i was making decent contribution to firm) and i issued 70% of invoices while he issued 18% and others 12%- Where is the Justice.
Re: poor employees

I would have no problem telling a customer facing employee to sort themselves out if they came into work looking scruffy. That’s the core issue.

absolutely agree, if the customer has an expectation as to what the employee should look like, then that is the standard that needs to be enforced. Scruffy employees can give the impression of not caring, that may not neccessaily be justified, but the customer is always right
Re: poor employees

This is a very funny thread, can't believe employers are timing people going to the toilet. In relation to beards, I can't stand them. I realise that's not politically correct but it's a fact nevertheless and I think most women would agree with me. They do look ok on certain men. If you hire someone without a beard you don't suddenly expect them to show up with one especially in a job where you meet the public, in a job where this doesn't happen then of course a beard doesn't matter. People should be presentable for their job. Coming in Monday and Tuesday with a stubble and then shaving Wednesday is not acceptable I would have thought. I think things got more lax in Ireland since I've left. I was outside a bank at 10 am one morning and they didn't open the doors until 10 past. It was flogging rain. When I complained to the guy opening the door I got the impression he thought I was a lunatic. But as they open so late, 10 am for goodness sake, they should open on time expecially as they are supposed to be a professional organisation. Previously you could set your watch by the bank opening time. There there is dress down Friday's, it should be eliminated as some people really do not know how to dress themselves for work.
Re: poor employees

While not condoning her lack of safety awareness or general cop-on, it is worth pointing out that availability of a 'drying space' is important for employees who cycle or walk, along with lockers, secure and dry lock-up area for bikes etc.
Re: poor employees

While not condoning her lack of safety awareness or general cop-on, it is worth pointing out that availability of a 'drying space' is important for employees who cycle or walk, along with lockers, secure and dry lock-up area for bikes etc.

Not everyone works in the public sector where such niceties are common place. Just remember that every square meter of space costs money in rent, rates and maintaince etc. Anyway there is no need to get wet, now that the greens have brought in their 1k bike allowance. Gone will be the days when a pair of uncle Ben's best quality plastic bags taped to each foot was the height of fashion.
Re: poor employees

I can see the following arising elsewhere

1) My bossed pulled me up on going to the toilet outside of my lunch hour
2) I asked my boss for an extra €20 per week because my mother hiked my rent, now he's broadcasting it on a website!
3) I developed a rash on my face and was advised not to use soap products until it cleared up. my boss said he'd fire me if i didn't shave...
4) I was asked to do a job in navan and asked my boss whether we had a sat nav so i could find the exact location. He nearly lost it with me!
Re: poor employees

I also had an employee who was constantly absent from work.....when she told me that her granny had died, I pointed out to her that this was her third granny to die, she burst out laughing.....strangely enough this episode stopped her absenteeism.
Re: poor employees

1) one employee sits at his computer from 1 until 2 eating luch and surfing the net. Come 2 o clock he goes to the toilet for a 10 minute break.......... (dont worry he no longer does this)

Is it just the toilet break thats the issue here? i presume he is allowed eat lunch for the hour.

Don't presume anything about peoples circumstances and maybe the breaks were to get away from something, either way its his money, he could have booked all of these for under a grand in total.

If he was nervous about driving somewhere new (he might know the place, but not have ever driven there) it is understandable that he would ask as many questions as needed. Did you ask was he comfortable doing the job, or even in his interview was it brought up that he would need to know local areas because he would have to do some driving.
Re: poor employees

2) one emplyee was looking for more money that was offered and argued his case for more (€1,000 in the difference) he lives at hoem with his parents. he said things had "changed at home"-

Was what you paid him originally based on the fact that he lived at home with his parents? How did you even know this?
Re: poor employees

Not everyone works in the public sector where such niceties are common place.

It is more than tiresome that those with axes to grind seem determined to drag every AAM thread down this divisive road. This issue has absolutely nothing to do with a public/private split. I spent more than 20 years working in the private sector, and generally had access to some or more of these facilities. As it happens, in my current public sector role, the 'niceties' are not common place. I have a small locker, too small to hang a suit or a shirt, so the back of my office door becomes my wardrobe. There is no drying area, so the shower room tends to get clogged up with damp raingear and smelly tracksuits on wet days.

The rest of your post clearly demonstrates ignorance of these matters. Let me demonstrate;

Just remember that every square meter of space costs money in rent, rates and maintaince etc.
Indeed, though in my experience, space is not always at a premium, particularly in industrial environments. Indeed, in many industrial environments where staff need to change into work clothes, it is likely that there are lockers already available.

However, where space is at a premium, a smart employer will work out that you can park 4 bikes in the space available for 1 car, so provision of decent facilities to encourage cycling may well save money in the long term.

Anyway there is no need to get wet, now that the greens have brought in their 1k bike allowance. Gone will be the days when a pair of uncle Ben's best quality plastic bags taped to each foot was the height of fashion.
Regardless of the quality of the raingear, it still gets wet with use, and it still needs to be allowed dry out during the working day.
Re: poor employees

i don't really get OP's post

what the employee does in his/ her free time is none of the employers business regardless if the employee mentions it in the work place or not and if you give payrises based on personal circumstances - well someone just wonders.....

working hours and break times as well as company dress codes should all be detailed in the employee's contract/ handbook - if this is not the case, well then the employer just have to live with it OR change/ amend the handbook, let the employee sign it and then enforce (stricter) rules.

not once in the original post it was stated that the employee is underperforming or otherwise serious negligence so all the "superficial facts" given by OP are not really serious to take, are they????
Re: poor employees

In a firm i worked in, a Junior employee used to text in every so often that he would be late as he had to take his younger sister to school. The manager allowed him get away with it.


I actually dont see a problem with this, is it that you think it was nice that the manager accomodated him? or are you complaining that he was too lenient?