Eir contract renewal


Registered User
My 12 month contract with Eir is up at the end of October. I know I can get a better deal by shopping around, but is there any point in me phoning them first to see if they will give me their current offer or would I be wasting my time?
Absolutely. The main players have changed policy on this as they know it is easy to switch for most customers.
I'll be surprised if they let you go?
Why would you even want to negotiate with them to stay? I am 10 months in to a 12 month contract and I cannot wait to move on.
I have used all of the currently available providers and they are the most disappointing from a usability, channel availability, recording ability points of view etc.
I'm using them for broadband only, so their channel availability doesn't bother me.
@JohnJay - don't forget to initiate the cancellation process if you are planning to move - with Eir, it's 30days.

Just to share my experience - I've been with Eir for the last 2 contracts ( 24 months each) , but this year I wanted to move to get a better deal (1G FTTH is what I am on). Sky were offering a good package for Broadband ( and I'm with Sky for basic TV, so trying to combine everything into a good (cheaper) package ).

I Initiated the cancellation with Eir as per their T&Cs- they offerred €5 off p/m, then €10 off, but still wan't getting close to what I could get with Sky. Roll on a few weeks, and there is a LOT of frustration when trying to get signed up with Sky on line, to avail of their offer. I called into a sky hub ( pop up place within a shopping centre ) and it wasn't any better than talking to a bot. Headed to a sky store (a level above pop up hub) and spent 40mins with they guy in there going around in circles with him telling me that I can't get FttH at the address I had given him, even though I was on such for the previous 4 years. He then blamed Eir for turning things off. (what those things were, I don't know ! )

He finally rang the Sky admin team? and I spent another 10mins on the phone with a techie looking into the issue, but in the end, they couldn't supply FttH for me. It turns out that the estate I'm in has been divided up amongst the BB suppliers and Sky have reached their limit within the estate - he recommended for me to try Vodafone if I want to move from Eir. I had NEVER heard of such in the past, whether he was at the end of his document titled "Recommendaitons on what to say to the customer when you haven't a clue why things aren't working" or the estate is actually divided up in such a way, I don't know...

So I found myself, a few days to go before I get disconnected by Eir, and I can't move to Sky ( other suppliers weren't offering anything great in terms of pricing ), so I talked to Vodafone and price was ok, but not great and would take around a week at least to get set up. After that conversation with VodafoneI rang Eir back ( responded to a call from their cancellation team ), and asking them if they could do anything for me. Transferred to customer loyalty team? and then transferred again to another person and they offered a good deal - got full 1G FttH for 12 the months ( down from 24 months ) for €34.99 per month, with first month free. Took it there and then.

So, I would recommend to shop around, but make sure you can avail of other suppliers. Follow the Eir T&Cs if cancelling and if you ring them, keeping asking for a better deal from Eir. Ask them for the new customer package - if you terminate your contract, you can avail of such rates, but you might be out of BB use for a few days. Best of luck with it.

Just to add, I never had any issue with Eir over the years in relation to BB - always very, very reliable.
Well, finally got around to calling them today when I got my latest bill which would be the last at my contract price. I've been paying 39.99 for the past year. I got through to the agent and explained I was at the end of the contract. He was "delighted" to offer me a deal of 49.99. "No thanks" I said, "put me through to whoever I need to close my account, and I will move elsewhere" - on hold for 30 seconds - "that office is actually closed for the day, but ohh, I can now offer you a deal at 39.99 per month!"

Now, only for I'm a lazy bee I'd have told him to stick it and gone to Vodafone or whoever else is doing a deal. But I signed up for another 12 months at 39.99.
Now, only for I'm a lazy bee I'd have told him to stick it and gone to Vodafone or whoever else is doing a deal. But I signed up for another 12 months at 39.99.
It won't be €39.99 for 12 months because they have an annual price increase policy:
You presumably have 14 days cooling off to cancel and go elsewhere without penalty if you choose to do so.
most suppliers have an annual price increase policy, so caught everywhere you go really. He explained this to me in fairness. He gave me the option of signing up for 24 months for the same price, but not keen on committing to them for that long.
Sky allow you to leave penalty free (see below from their site)

'Because we don’t use inflation pinned increases in our contracts, we also enable our broadband customers to leave penalty free within 30 days of being notified of a price increase'
Sky allow you to leave penalty free (see below from their site)

'Because we don’t use inflation pinned increases in our contracts, we also enable our broadband customers to leave penalty free within 30 days of being notified of a price increase'
If I recall correctly, so do Virgin Media.
Now, only for I'm a lazy bee I'd have told him to stick it and gone to Vodafone or whoever else is doing a deal. But I signed up for another 12 months at 39.99.
Sky offering 1gb for €30 a month switch and save its more money in your pocket why give your hard earned cash to any corporate entity.
My own recent experience with Eir has been frustrating to put it mildly.
Contract was up early in August. Rang them to renew. Price offered was good, better than anything else around (€79.95 for landline which includes national and mobile calls at all times, broadband, plus three mobile contracts). However, in order to avail of this we needed to move to full fibre.
Fine I said, no issues there so I accepted the offer.
Heard nothing for the next few weeks so rang again at the end of August. Was told there were technical issues and could I ring back again the following week. I did so. Got the same story the following week. Finally got confirmation on the next call (my fourth call at this stage) of a date for installation of full fibre.
OpenEir came out for the installation but due to how our phone line is connected via a line that traverses other peoples back yards and given the fact it passes through a tree of one neighbour, we were informed it could not be completed unless we asked our neighbour to cut down their tree. Naturally we declined this request!
Rang Eir again to inform them we could not move to full fibre. I was then informed that this was fine, we would proceed with the offer anyway! This was now the end of September by this stage. I was informed that I would receive a text and/or email confirming the offer.
Early October, still no text or email. Rang again. Was told offer was sitting unactioned on their side. It would now be actioned and it would be backdated to previous contract end. Again I was informed that I would receive a text and/or email confirming the offer, within days.
Mid October, still no text or email. Rang again. Was told offer was confirmed and I should have received text and/or email. They would request confirmation to be sent again.
I still have not received any text or email! I can see on myeir that the new contract is in place.
So in total 7 phone calls and still nothing in writing from them!
I know most people would have walked but for me the bottom line is price (the service itself has never been an issue for us so I have no complaints there) and nobody else was able to come close to that price for us. But what a shambles!