Does anyone in the Irish Government (Public Service) actually answer phones


Very good question and I have quickly discussed it with my colleagues here. Just remember that the civil/public service has many different areas so I can only discuss this question from the viewpoint that I and my colleagues have experienced.

There would never be an occasion in the public/civil sevice where a picket for the above situation would occur. There are mechanisms and procedures in place whereby a sudden sacking could not occur. Employees are given numerous warnings (recorded I must add). Then the Unions would be involved to ensure that a workers rights are
being upheld (to protect against bullying I would suspect). After this process has been done, the employee would then be let go. Therefore the unions would be totally involved and would not therefore have the recourse to go to place a picket.

The other reason that these mechanisms are in place is that they have to protect the Exchequer in the case of wrongful dismissal.

Finally one of colleagues here stated that he has never seen a case where pickets have been placed where a person has been dismissed (and he has over 30 years experience).

So Purple it just would not happen in the Civil Service. Now Semi States could be a different matter....................

Back to work.

Haven't been here all week so have just seen this. I absolutely agree with Boris, if someone is sacked its after due procedures have been followed, and I can't imagine why you think we'd all go on strike if some useless and lazy individual was fired.