Ya the milk tastes different in the summer when cows are out on grass on a fine summer's days. That milk straight from the cow chilled is serious stuff city slickers wouldn't be able to handle the stuff.
and Hafners sausages.
No with Dairygold it is hit and miss. Sometimes you can purchase two tubs for €5. One can taste fine but the other can taste "off". We have even checked the batch number, one can be O.K. but not the other.Are you sure its the butter, it might be yourself maybe get yourself checked out you might have a thyroid problem.
You could make your own spreadable butterJust mix softened real butter with some oil of your choice, if you like olive oil you could use that or whatever oil you fancy.
Just don’t put it in in the packaging!Or 5 secs at the lowest power setting in the microwave!
See, if it’s not real butter, eg Kerrygold or the Aldi butter, then it’s stuff with loads of ingredients, colourants, additives etc. with a fake taste.
No. It's about the variations in the taste of Dairygold butter spread. Sometimes it tastes as if it was tainted. The consistency is no longer there.If I am getting this right, the complaint is that spreads don't taste sufficiently like butter.
No. It's about the variations in the taste of Dairygold butter spread. Sometimes it tastes as if it was tainted. The consistency is no longer there.
Well don't buy Dunnes Family Favourites Taste of Butter. I thought it would be like Dairygold... it's not... it falls off the knife in a clump.I've noticed that dairygold spread has deteriorated in taste compared to years ago. It's less buttery ,more like margarine in taste. Very disappointed in this product now its not worth the premium price
Lidl do a butter & spreadable butter mimic of the dairgold range & are just fine. Not much cheaper but perfectly fine quality & consistent as far as I can see.I have been a regular user of Dairygold butter spread. In the past year or so I have noticed that the quality of the product can vary. Sometimes there is even a tainted taste from it.
Compared to similar products it is expensive. I am not sure if I want to support this hit and miss product anymore.
Is there a product that is very similar without the margarine taste?
No, just looking for confirmation on whether other people think the same. I think alot of brands slowly change their products hoping that people won't notice if they do it over a long period of time. Dairygold today and Dairygold a decade ago are 2 different products in my opinionHi Joe
Have you reported this to Dairygold Customer Care?
Yes I've actually tried the Lidl one, the pricier one and yes it is very good, actually better than Dairygold nowLidl do a butter & spreadable butter mimic of the dairgold range & are just fine. Not much cheaper but perfectly fine quality & consistent as far as I can see.