Cutbacks by Lenihan

maybe mix in a bit of 'The Running Man', 'Escape from New York', 'Hard Target' etc to make a bit more interesting - motion detector driven machine gun turrets, mine fields, cluster munitions, lasers, booby traps, quick sand, piranhas etc.

And RTE could broadcast it under their public service broacasting remit.
And people wonder why it cost the hundreds of millions for PPARS, and in the end it still didn't work as a payroll system. .....

What about the private sector companies and consultants involved in that too. IBM, SAP, Deloitte, Blackmore Group Assets.
I've read the last dozen or so messages in this thread and I can't decipher for the life of me the beast that appears to be public sector pay - how what you do equates to what you get paid. There just doesn't appear to be any correllation. Expenses here, grades there, long service, short service.....

Its hardly rocket science. Theres similar types of wage structures in the private sector too. Its just varies a lot more. It varies across the public sector, too between agencies etc. In my experience what people get paid is more to do with what they can negociate than the work they do. Thats just how the world works.
i was wanted to emphasize an incorrect message that an earlier postermade, who said that they "were a public sector worked who was in favour of a pay freeze", its just totally false. thats it, enough said
Unless you are equipped with telepathic powers, you don't know what that poster is or isn't in favour of in relation to pay - your understanding of 'pay freeze' (i.e. including increments for those who qualify) may well be different from her understanding of 'pay freeze'.