Cutbacks by Lenihan


Registered User
What are your opinions on same, no pay increases for Ministers , Civil Servants and Judges, a review of Tribunal costs which was an obvious one but did need to be kicked into touch also it seems consultantcy fees to be slashed which will of course will have an adverse affect on private sector, no major mention of a curbing of NDP which will be a relieve to construction sector, It looks like 2009 will be a helluva tight year!!
"we all need to tighten our belt".....
that'll be next,cant wait to hear what IBEC and SIPTU have to
say on all these cutbacks.would'nt say they'll be delighted.
2009 is gonna be interesting no doubt alright.
the govt should issue licenses for Incenerators or Biosgas plants (make power from our sh&t). This would give much needed employment and wouldnt cost them a penny. Tax take goes up, utility bills go down (hopefully) more dispossable income for everyone VAT take goes up.
well decentralisation has been knocked on the head, about time it was a shambles anyway. Ministers, judges etc not receiving their raises, maybe they should take the 3% cut like they are saying to other departments. Seriously though the biggest problem and black hole is the HSE and that needs to be tackled immediately.

They still seem to be saying that capital projects will not be affected but I have heard that for example on the N8 motorway project all weekend and late shift work has been stopped and a good few have been let go........not great news for the construction industry yet again. Seems like they will be delivered but possibly not on time.
Does anyone else think that to cut the overseas aid having already raised the allowances for public sector workers for mileage etc is just the lowest of the low? I am a public sector worker and lots of my colleagues would go along with all the necessary measures such as pay freeze etc if same is applied to all sectors, across the board , from the top down.
The decentralisation plans resulted in huge increases in travel claims , the electronic voting machines are still being stored, the likes of Iarnroid Eireann(heavily subsidised by taxpayers) are still spending fortunes telling us they're getting there;my point is that there is a lot of excess fat in the system that could be cut without taking aid from some of the poorest people on the planet.
I thought decentralisation wasn't going to cost any money with all the money they'd get from selling buildings etc. Now its cost cutting to get rid of it? No specifics about how much this will save. Vague as usual.

I think they need to look at the value for money they get for every euro spent especially on building projects where we seem to be paying far more than we should.
Does anyone else think that to cut the overseas aid having already raised the allowances for public sector workers for mileage etc is just the lowest of the low? ..

No, actually. There are serious governance issues in many of the third world countries that receive Irish overseas aid. It is only right that great care is taken in allocating this expenditure including being willing to make cutbacks if the money spent is not yielding the equivalent value compared to other government spending.
Does anyone else think that to cut the overseas aid having already raised the allowances for public sector workers for mileage etc is just the lowest of the low? I am a public sector worker and lots of my colleagues would go along with all the necessary measures such as pay freeze etc if same is applied to all sectors, across the board , from the top down.
The decentralisation plans resulted in huge increases in travel claims , the electronic voting machines are still being stored, the likes of Iarnroid Eireann(heavily subsidised by taxpayers) are still spending fortunes telling us they're getting there;my point is that there is a lot of excess fat in the system that could be cut without taking aid from some of the poorest people on the planet.

brianne - we have had this discussion before. its not a pay freeze, you will still get your increment this year. a pay freeze is when your salary stays the same, this is what happens in the private sector (the real world). so please stop calling it a pay freeze , its just a deferring of the new bench marking. the public sector have no idea what a pay freeze is
I think 100 million for a new National Theatre in the docks shou,d go for a hop.
brianne - we have had this discussion before. its not a pay freeze, you will still get your increment this year. a pay freeze is when your salary stays the same, this is what happens in the private sector (the real world). so please stop calling it a pay freeze , its just a deferring of the new bench marking. the public sector have no idea what a pay freeze is

Because no one in the Public Sector has ever worked in the Private.

Are these not proposals rather than facts?
well decentralisation has been knocked on the head, about time it was a shambles anyway. Ministers, judges etc not receiving their raises, maybe they should take the 3% cut like they are saying to other departments. Seriously though the biggest problem and black hole is the HSE and that needs to be tackled immediately.

They still seem to be saying that capital projects will not be affected but I have heard that for example on the N8 motorway project all weekend and late shift work has been stopped and a good few have been let go........not great news for the construction industry yet again. Seems like they will be delivered but possibly not on time.

Decentralisation is not knocked on the head. Theres talk about some postonement. Alot of the offices are built already.
Or land bought, but buildings not built. No idea of costs or savings as usual. Someone lend them a calculator...
The problem of course is that the HSE and various government and public sector bodies will cut the highest profile areas. For example when the HSE imposes cuts on a hospital they close wards rather than trying to cut admin and supplier costs. That way headlines are generated and idiots protest about the government closing wards so no pressure is put on the hospital to streamline its management and admin functions and put pressure on suppliers to generate and pass on efficiencies. This problem occurs all across the public sector.
I cant see how the public sector pay bill can be cut by 3% without a reducing staff numbers. Given the age profile of the public sector, it will be difficult to achieve this through natural wastage in 1 year.
Because no one in the Public Sector has ever worked in the Private.

Are these not proposals rather than facts?

are what just proposals ? it has never been suggested that the public sector is to get no increments this year. the suggestion is to postpone benchmarking. that is not a pay freeze so why call it one
Lets not start the whole Private V Public sector debate again. Its been done to death.

Yesterdays announcement was a PR exercise. There was no detail so I guess we will have to see what the various ministers are going to do to see how realistic their aims are.
are what just proposals ? it has never been suggested that the public sector is to get no increments this year. the suggestion is to postpone benchmarking. that is not a pay freeze so why call it one

None of what you are saying is definate. Even if very likely. So they are just proposals at this stage. They only said that 3% would be cut from the wage bill. Not how that was to be achieved. Targeted redundancies is mentioned for the HSE and that (and a real recruitment freeze) is more likely how they'll do it. Rather than going near the agreed benchmarking. However they could pospone indefinately any outstanding benchmarking. I didn't see any mention of increments. Where are people getting that from?
public sector workers get increments every year, this is nothing to do with the new bench marking. these increments are still going ahead so the term "pay freeze" is a joke. the 3% will probably be achieved by cutting of contract workers and recruitment freeze. i just want to get the point across that a public sector worker will earn more this yr than last and more nxt year than this yr regardless of this debate. thats the way their increments work. the increments range from 800 to 2500 per year

any outstanding benchmarking is the whole moving up of the public sector salary scales (yet again)
Lets not start the whole Private V Public sector debate again. Its been done to death.

Jimbob1234 - Listen to Sunny - I agree with a lot of what you say abt public sector but don't want every thread to be a rehash of an old thread