Drops in asking prices have very little relevance. When you can show drops in SALE AGREED prices relative to other houses in the area that have already sold, then you have evidence to back up your argument of falling sentiment.
That's presumptuous.
Drops in asking prices have very little relevance. When you can show drops in SALE AGREED prices relative to other houses in the area that have already sold, then you have evidence to back up your argument of falling sentiment.
I'm trying to do some maths here re. Firfly's theory and want to know historically what is the normal ratio of inflation to interest rates i.e. is rate of inflation normally above or below interest rates?
I'm trying to do some maths here re. Firfly's theory and want to know historically what is the normal ratio of inflation to interest rates i.e. is rate of inflation normally above or below interest rates?
The continuance of the liquidity bubble is dependent on the willingness of foreign governments to underwrite American consumer and government debt. The US is teetering on the brink, the economies that take up the baton after the Americans have finished their consumption binge will have cheaper workers willing to work in poorer conditions than their western counterparts. Survival of the fittest, most productive, innovative and hardworking.
Prices look to be settling down, which is a good thing, it by no means points to an impending crash.
all good stuff agrred and good points, but how long's the US been teetering on the brink now?
For the sake of discussion, some bullish arguements on Irish property
1) One of the reasons why it really "is different" in Ireland (mainly thinking of the cities) is the low density of housing. It has been said previously that the price someone pays for a house is not just the price of the time and materials that went into building the house, but also the price of the site. In a low density city such as Dublin, the price of sites (at least those in centralish locations) will be higher per household than the price of an equivalent site in a higher density city such as New York.
2) Specuvestors who were in it for the quick buck could be easily convinced to take a "long term view", and not try to sell in a flat market. Considering our obsession with property you could easily imagine this sort of conversation between a specuvestor (S) and his family/friends/bank manager (F) etc
S: The price of my investment property has plateaued out. There are no more capital gains to be got. I think it's time to sell.
F: Now mighn't be the best time to sell. You may have to accept a lower price than normal. Remember property is the best investment class in the long term. You should hold on to it as a pension.
S: Yeah, but the rent I'm getting isn't covering my mortgage. I have to contribute €500 myself every month
F: But this is standard for any type of investment. If you were in a pension fund you would also have to contribute a sum of money every month. With property, the tennant contributes more than half of that money. Besides rents will rise over time.
S: So you think I should continue ploughing money into my property
F: Sure. In the long term, prices will go up again. In 25 years it'll be worth a fortune.
S: Yeah, maybe you're right
3) ...
With all the publicity about house price crashes in the media I think a lot of perspective buyers are just waiting to see things settle down a bit.
They're essentially being paid a lucrative sum to build a development with no risk to themselves. Sounds like a good deal to me!1.Won a contract .........means to develope on behalf of a client.
Poppycock. The property market is in no way homogenous. We've recently sold a three bedroomed townhouse in Ballina that was bought back in 1990 just before the market started to take off. Taking inflation into account, it probably only appreciated 15-20% in real terms (attributable to higher incomes rather than any sort of property bubble). The reason? No one viewed the market for property in that area as speculatory. I never knew a single person in the town who bought a property there for capital appreciation.2. Be it Commercial or Residential Property......the coming correction won't discriminate.
Don't be so patronising, you neither have the wit nor the intelligence to pull it off.Back to school Raskolnikov.
then a few weeks later drop it by 5% and claim REDUCED PRICE.
They're not claiming REDUCED PRICE, they're trying to hide it!
It's only through using google's cache that we're spotting reduced asking prices.
Less of the unrealistic scare tactics - real facts or nothing at all....
Reduced asking prices are not a realistic assesment of public sentiment.
A lot of house sales over the past 5 years in all parts of Ireland have involved price drops - don't over anayse it. My 310k to 250k was almost a 20% drop in property prices based on your arguement that asking prices are in anyway fact forming.
Less of the unrealistic scare tactics - real facts or nothing at all....
Less of the unrealistic scare tactics - real facts or nothing at all....
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