There is a strong desire in this country to own the home in which you live. FTB were holding out with the pronouncements of Michael MCDowell.Brian Cowan has now put these firmly to bed. Also ECB rates have gone up over the past year which has increased the proportion of purchasers income on repayments. These repayments are still managable with perhaps one more to come. I don't think there are many contributors on this thread who have kids and just want a home to call their own.
OK... long time reader, first (and maybe only) time poster - I really have to reply to the above...
Disclaimer - We have a young family, have a very strong double income and have good savings so have means to buy but...
have a look at this place, there is insanity, insanity squared and then there are Dublin property prices
there is only one thing to consider if you are a bull, do really think that there is such a thing as too high a price? it seems many people believe there is actually no price too high, if that is the case we arent in a bubble we have left the realm of economics and have gone to the mad house
because if you cant understand the basic concept of overpaying - ie no matter how much you pay now it isnt a bad price because sooner or matter your property will be worth alot more - then you need to totally relearn economics basic principles
maybe Im a bit late with this post, people are copping on that property isnt a one-way elevator to your dreams but probably dont yet understand the financial weapons of mass destruction that have proliferated willynilly here and I dont think people realise how far prices are going to fall and how long this pain is going to last
the supply figures speak for themselves, there is actually no need for anyone to scream 'sell sell sell for godsake sell before its too late'