Current public sentiment towards the housing market?

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Anyone any feedback on the calcs I did.....that a 317k apartment only needs to accumulate by 2.25% annually over the next 30 years, to reach the same point where the initial costs of purchase plus the subsidising amount would get earning 3.5% sitting in the bank....seems to me like this property could be a good bet....


I couldn't follow them unfortunately. Personally I don't think either is a particularly good idea for what to do with €20k.
Thanks redo...I might start a new thread on what to do with 25k lump sum and 10k per year to invest...


A bit of anecdotal evidence on the state of the housing market .
It sounds boomier than ever. An acquaintance of mine put his house up
for sale recently. Had approx. 30 viewers and presently a number of active bidders. Looks like it will go for well above asking.
Can you give an idea of the Location. I suspect it is in a "highly sought after area".

Firefly, only an idiot would invest his 20k + 10k in the bank earning 3.5%. The long run return on the stock market would be about 10% (give or take a few %). Plug that into your figures, and after 30 years you would have over 2.2 million, non inflation adjusted.

For your property to make that, it would need to appreciate by 7% a year. That's a tall order considering that property in the long run (100 years) has returned 2% a year, and we are on the back end of the longest bull run in property ever. If your property falls in price at the beginning of your calculation, you're looking at more like 10% + appreciation.

On the raw figures subsidising rents does not make sense, and decades of good property investment practice are not going to be overturned by this wishy washy new age property economics we're experiencing.
On the raw figures subsidising rents does not make sense, and decades of good property investment practice are not going to be overturned by this wishy washy new age property economics we're experiencing.

But its a new paradigm....!!!

30k @ 10% per year over 30yrs is ~520k, not 2.2m.
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