So to return to the OP's original points.
The Credit Union Act 1997 S80(2)(b) states that notice of AGM "
[FONT="]shall be accompanied by the agenda for the meeting;[/FONT]"
If the 'INVOCATION' isn't on the Agenda then it specifically must not happen! If a 'call to prayer' is made then it could be objected to on 'a point of order'!
Points of Order are always so welcome at AGM's!

Make the point that the 'invocation' is not on the agenda and therefore must not be part of the meeting, retake your seat and await the "Wrath"!
As to submitting a resolution and how to word it -
Contact the Secretary of the Credit Union and request details of the procedure you should follow for submitting a Resolution. The wording should be along the lines:
"That this AGM resolves to adhere to the Operating Principles of the Credit Union Movement specifically "NON DISCRIMINATION IN RACE, RELIGION AND POLITICS" and resolves not to include or recite the Christian Prayer of St Francis at any of its meetings.
Model Standing Orders refer to Motions (Resolutions) thus
5 - 10 MOTIONS.
5. All motions from the floor of the AGM must be proposed and seconded by members present at the AGM and moved by the proposer. If the proposer is absent when the motion is called, the motion shall be deemed to have failed.
6. A proposer of a motion may speak for such period as shall be at the discretion of theChairman of the meeting and shall have the right of reply before the motion is put to the meeting for a vote.
7. In exercising his/her right of reply, a proposer may not introduce new material.
8. The seconder of a motion shall have such time as shall be allowed by the Chairman to second the motion.
9. Members are entitled to speak on any such motion and must do so through the Chair. All speakers to any motion shall have such time as shall be at the discretion of the Chairman.
10. The Chairman shall have the absolute right to decide at any time when a motion has been sufficiently discussed and may put the motion to the meeting giving the proposer the right of reply before doing so.