As @Protocol said, at all costs avoid racking up debt on a credit card. Clear the balance before interest accrues. If you can't do this then don't get a credit card. Especially if you may have other debts already.I’m just wondering if anyone knows the best rates at present ?
And pay two sets of stamp duty?Just get a ptsb credit card.
In fact, get two in case one stops working.
I agree two credit cards is overkill.And pay two sets of stamp duty?
Just offering this as an alternative. In the past I used credit cards for everything, literally every transaction I made, domestic and overseas. I still do for all domestic expenditure. However over the last few years the Irish banks have been steadily increasing the cost of using a credit card for non Euro transactions and it has actually become quite expensive. I now use an N26 debit card whenever I am travelling - there are no charges, the exchange rate matches (rather than the crazy made-up exchange rates the Irish banks use), it works everywhere I've been in the US and Canada including for swiping, contactless and handheld terminals, it works in the majority of Bank ATMs, I get instant notifications for all transactions to my phone and watch, the online accounts are instantly updated so I always know where I stand and the self managed security and fraud controls are light years ahead of anything the Irish banks offer. I always have other cards with me, including an Irish Euro credit card which I bring as a backup.And what are best options on market for me right now please . I’m a PTSB Customer . Thanks
AFAIK you can’t hire a car with a virtual card.Is the objection to revolut cards in general for the reason that the card is virtual, bearing in mind that you can get a physical one?