Do we have to fill in the ... blanks ourselves?i'm on a full license but did drive on a provisional for a number of years having failed 1 test and waiting for a resit and I believe this is a joke BUT it wont be enforced, the previous law was just the same bar the 1000 euro fine and having been stopped on a couple of occassions by d guards they never asked why i did not have a full time driver in the car with me. sorry to go a bit off topic but I think this is absolute master spin by berties well paid spin doctors, d same day bertie gets a whopping undeserved payrise d whole country is up in arms about this license...coincidence...i think not my friends...noel dempsey was found to have made a huge mistake re shannon did not resign....cowen looks like he's going to raise taxes in a tough budget... all in all a pitiful week for d government but never mind all that we are too angry over this new crackdown to pay attention to what is happening in the background...gross incompetence by d government who reward themseleves with pay raises....