Cape Verde

It appears that CV keeps making positive progress at a fairly brisk rate. It's just been announced that, in December, they will become part of world trade organization(WTO).
This should mean that it will have a more competitive economy, and that there will be a greater level of security for foreign investors.

Is this whole thread a wind up?
A greater level of security for foreign investors? Are you joking ?

Even Zimbabwe is a member of the WTO.
What I know is that of the property exhibitions I have attended, Cape Verde generates a HUGE amount of interest. I didn't see any stands for Zimbabwe though.
Unlike CV, it is an unstable country under dictorial regime- so not really a relevant comparison in my view.
What I know is that of the property exhibitions I have attended, Cape Verde generates a HUGE amount of interest. I didn't see any stands for Zimbabwe though.
Unlike CV, it is an unstable country under dictorial regime- so not really a relevant comparison in my view.
By attend do you mean exhibit?
What I know is that of the property exhibitions I have attended, Cape Verde generates a HUGE amount of interest. I didn't see any stands for Zimbabwe though.
Unlike CV, it is an unstable country under dictorial regime- so not really a relevant comparison in my view.

That's exactly Stir Crazy's point !. Membership of the WTO has absolutely no bearing on the investment potential (or otherwise !) of CV.
ok-point taken. It does not mean that the country is safe. However, CV seems to have a stable government - and its currency has been stable for years, too. Having WTO on its side is certainly not a negative thind to have. Ps I am not an agent.
Has anyone on this CV forum actually purchased in Cape Verde?Has anyone been to Cape Verde?
I spent 2 weeks there last November '06 and fell in love with the place!I intend to travel there again in summer '08.
Why all the negative talk about investing there?Use your imagination..The future looks bright for Cape Verde and I for one would love to relase equity from my own home,finance the rest from an overseas lending firm and buy in Dunas Beach!!
I have spent alot of time on the CapeVerde24 forum and have learned alot from there,mostly positive remarks.

Just for the record,I am NOT involved in any selling agents or mortgage companies.I just have a serious interest in buying an apartment there.
Stuck on cape verde like Robinson Cruesoe, many hundreds/thousands of miles and money away from civilisation Even the supposed cheapness of africa doesnt apply because of the huge premium for shipping any western goods to the island. For example Bahamas natives pay 20/25% more for everything they want shipped in and they are 30 minutes away from Florida. How many minutes away from any country with western standards is cape verde ? All I see on a map is South Africa and thats really far away.

This thread makes me laugh. Its' like a long play record with a jammed needle. Some kind of brainwashed record commissioned by the moonies or scientologists. Theres got to be a few developers or exhibitors on this thread. I think if someones invested in Cape Verde and is happy then fair enough but in my honest opinion, while mostly intelligently worded, I think most of this thread is noise.
Stir - part of the attraction of the islands is being away from 'civilisation', as you call it. I've been there - and loved it aswell. I also love the fact that there are plenty of open beaches, and you don't feel like you are in the middle of picadilly circus on a Saturday afternoon.
I am praying it does not get like benidorm and too packed !
I frankly think that civilisation can be a pain in the proverbial - so with a bit of luck enough people will feel the way you do about CV and stay away. :)
Have been studying the weather foecasts over the last couple of months- and it would seem that the cape verde islands can not be beaten on this score ( as far as flying for no more than 5 and a 1/2 hrs goes).
Overheard a woman couple of days ago saying she had recently been to tenerife and the weather was no good ( cold/rain)
Have looked at cyprus, greece, south of france, morroco). None of them seem to get any better than 20c average Nov-Feb. However, Cape verde averages 25-26c. I would have thought people are bound to cotton on to this fact once the place is developed.
Next best weather in terms of distance is florida - some 2-3 hrs more flying time !!
Hi Thomsk,

So CV is a nice place with a lovely climate.......but is it a good place to invest in property?

I am going on the fact that over time most property most places seems to do ok in terms of going up in value to a reasonable extent, ie beating inflation rates in the long-run.
Cape verde is a new place as far as holiday-making goes, and I view the credentials that is offers as appealing to many people, including myself. The fact that a property would be used by myself for a good percentage of the year made the decision to buy there much easier!
I think for pure investment purposes, it will be good in the long-run. However, this remains to be proven as it is early still. However, with hindsight, I would have chosen to buy in the next closest islands ( canaries) 30 yrs ago!
I am going on the fact that over time most property most places seems to do ok in terms of going up in value to a reasonable extent, ie beating inflation rates in the long-run.

I'm unconvinced this happens everywhere In fact I think Cape Verde is already too expensive for what it offers. The locals cant afford any of these properties so its a market based solely on hyping the price to punters over here. Even in somewhere like Florida we have buyers from all over the states to prop up prices, and similarly with Spain.

The fact that a property would be used by myself for a good percentage of the year made the decision to buy there much easier!

So how will you contribute to AAM from there ? How much is internet in Cape Verde ? Do they even have internet in Cape Verde ?
So how will you contribute to AAM from there ? How much is internet in Cape Verde ? Do they even have internet in Cape Verde ?

I believe they have the internet in between the power outages and sanitation travesties. it was too windy for telephone poles so I think they put the lines underground....but then the watertable rose drowning the lines. One of the many wealthy cocaine traffickers who use Cape Verde as a hub to europe (notice my use of the cliched overseas property word "hub") fixed it up...only to be told by the government that he wouldnt be able to take any of his profits out of the country made from his phone company. And after all of that the land that the phone lines was laid in was redistributed by the government to indigenous people who apparently had a rightful claim to the title.
So in conclusion internet access is pretty tricky when it comes to CV....
Well if there's not enough internet, a game of golf will have to do instead, I suppose. Article in today's paper.....[broken link removed]
Well if there's not enough internet, a game of golf will have to do instead, I suppose. Article in today's paper.....[broken link removed]

I really object to this kind of so called "article"

I thought when I started reading the "article" in the SBP today that it was a genuine overseas property article, properly researched and balanced. It was neither. It dawned on me after a moments reading that this was not an independent article at all. It was nothing more than a gushing sales pitch posing as an article, informing us of the delights of Cape Verde, and what a brilliant job, Cork firm, Cape Verde Developments, are doing for the islands.

I wonder how much it cost the company involved to have this article put in the SBP, or was the so called journalist who wrote it, Emma Kennedy, just too tired and lazy after Christmas and the New Year, to do any proper, informed and balanced research and write a real article on the Islands, and not just a glorified sales pitch.

I have no objections to advertisements in papers but they should be labeled as paid advertisements, not be inserted in such a way as to try and convince us that they are a serious article.

Reading back through thomsk's previous posts, he seems to be in love with Cape Verde. You are not involved in selling anything there, or with Cape Verde Developments, are you Thomas?

Murt .
No - just thought I'd point out the fact that it is increasingly gaining more status. Some people on this site seem to think that it will be third world forever and a day.
Can any of you tell me how you actually travel to Cape Verde ? I know a man who was told to transfer directly to Portugal as payment for his flight as the airline wouldn't accept Cr Cards. Does this make sense to anyone or was he having me on ?
Can any of you tell me how you actually travel to Cape Verde ? I know a man who was told to transfer directly to Portugal as payment for his flight as the airline wouldn't accept Cr Cards. Does this make sense to anyone or was he having me on ?

Not sure about the credit card but you can't get to Cape Verde from Ireland. So Florida is less travel time as you can fly direct from Ireland.

Even if a charter airline offers direct flights from Ireland they are likely to be seasonal, once a week and very expensive, because there will be no competition.

Your flight alone will cost more than a week in Lanzarote including accomodation and transfers.