Can you paint your own parking place outside your house?

The permit has the photograph of the disabled driver or passenger as the case may be on it. ( on the side normally turned INTO the car, not out to the window ). If checked by an appropriate authority, presumably the photo should be checked with the occupant(s) to see if the holder is in fact in the car. However in some 10 or more years of holding such a permit, my relative has never been asked to show the permit or been questioned on it's use.
Ah you should of stuck around a bit longer to find out what happened.

I wonder if he did have to pay to get his car un-clamped.
I wasn't there myself - I just read the thread on boards - but it looks like the man did indeed have his child with him:
The guy is not paying saying he is entitled to park their [sic] as in the back seat in the child seat is the Infant and he is the parent. = Parent & Infant Parking.
Sounds like the clamper was one of those people who just can't admit to being wrong, so was clutching at straws trying to defend his actions. Or else he was incredibly literal-minded and stupid.