can you bring your own cereal on holiday?

Hang on a second - you are going on holiday to a country known for excellent food, with an abundance of fresh fruit and vegetables and the opportunity for long walks and swimming.

Can't the diet wait for a couple of weeks? If you eat small portions along the usual guidelines of healthy eating you will eat very well in Turkey and you will be fine weight wise too.

Sure beats carrying food in your luggage all the way out there, and missing out on the local food, which after all is one of the pleasures of holidays abroad.
well for 1 reason it will be alot cheaper to have my breakfast and lunch in the resort or to pack and take it with me if i'm going out for the day.

No the diet cant must be male!

Not really going to be carrying my suitcase has wheels, unless you take the wheeling it from the car to check in, and then to collect it and wheel to coach when we get there, then from coach to hotel......think i can manage that, bloody hope i can anyway.

And i wont be missing out on local food cause i will having an evening meal every night.
Why does the milk taste differently in these placed? Surely its from a cow, same as here?
We got fresh milk in Bitez - about 4/5 years ago - was a little more expensive (not surprisingly) but not outrageous.
I was in the Canaries last year and the milk was awful. I ended up paying way over the odds to get some imported British milk!
I live abroad and travel a fair bit. UHT is to be found everywhere and is absolutely disgusting to me still, and that's after many years. Same story with tea (Barry's for me). If you search hard enough you will nearly always find fresh, real milk from cows. More likely in the larger supermarkets or upmarket stores or in holiday resorts/major cities the English shop. Where ever you are going you should know the name of it in the local language which may help you in finding it. That said the best part of a holiday for me is the local food, just do more exercise and watch what you eat and you should be fine without bringing special foodstuffs with you.
well for 1 reason it will be alot cheaper to have my breakfast and lunch in the resort or to pack and take it with me if i'm going out for the day.

No the diet cant must be male!

Not really going to be carrying my suitcase has wheels, unless you take the wheeling it from the car to check in, and then to collect it and wheel to coach when we get there, then from coach to hotel......think i can manage that, bloody hope i can anyway.

And i wont be missing out on local food cause i will having an evening meal every night.

I am not male, I am female and have been on diets so no need to be short with me!

I just think it is bizarre that's all. There are supermarkets in Turkey, why not just buy food there?
If you had read all of my posts you would of seen that i had asked a friend that lives over there if these items were available and he checked and they wern't.
So i cant buy it out there!!
samanthajane I know you probably won't want to hear this but I'm with diziet on this. I think any diet that means you have to bring your own cereal with you wherever you do is a diet that needs to be reviewed - surely eating the local fruit or veg would be healthy enough if losing weight is the aim?
It's not just about losing weight, i want to stick to the rountine that i am doing now.

Thats involves eating my cereal twice a day.

If diziet has indeed been on a diet as well as anyone else, and failed before as we all have. If you find something that works for you and that you can stick to, why would you change it?

My diet consists of 5 small meals a day. It's hard enough to follow that at home, where everything is available to me. Considering it's a holiday the last i want is to be going around looking for all these other ingredients and then making them.

The oatmeal i have for breakfast takes 5 mins, then meal 2 is oatmeal again and egg whites. Then for lunch i'd have a couple of ryvita and philly with some fruit. I dont even know what i'm going to have around 4-5pm haven't figured that out yet, but then i'd have my evening meal at a restaurant.

Please if you have any other suggestion as to what i can eat apart from my cereal and ryvita please let me know.
Samantha - don't mind them. I know how hard it is to try to stick to a diet on holidays. I used to hate people saying "would you not just have an ice cream, burger, garlic bread etc....sure you're on holidays". It's very easy to end up putting on half a stone over a 2 week could take 2 months to get that off again!!
thanks sam, at least someone understands.

I've not got the best will power in the world and i'm going to be tempted anyway. If i can keep myself full, like i am doing by eating 5 times a day then hopefully i wont be tempted.

2 months and the rest to get it off lol it would just be a waste to have worked this hard, to be back where i started from.
... Please if you have any other suggestion as to what i can eat apart from my cereal and ryvita please let me know.
What's the latest from Victoria Beckham and her WAG pals in OK! / Heat magazine? Isn't all holiday and dietary wisdom condensed in these publications? :D
Think you have your answer now anyway, Sam. Yes, if you so wish, you can bring cereal with you.
What's the latest from Victoria Beckham and her WAG pals in OK! / Heat magazine? Isn't all holiday and dietary wisdom condensed in these publications? :D

I dont think it's changed, still the same...push a bit of food around the plate and make it look like your eating:) I had actually planned on eating though.

Think you have your answer now anyway, Sam. Yes, if you so wish, you can bring cereal with you.

Is that a quiet hint to lock the thread smash??

Gotta tell me how to do it first!
If diziet has indeed been on a diet as well as anyone else, and failed before as we all have. If you find something that works for you and that you can stick to, why would you change it?

My diet consists of 5 small meals a day. It's hard enough to follow that at home, where everything is available to me. Considering it's a holiday the last i want is to be going around looking for all these other ingredients and then making them.

The oatmeal i have for breakfast takes 5 mins, then meal 2 is oatmeal again and egg whites. Then for lunch i'd have a couple of ryvita and philly with some fruit. I dont even know what i'm going to have around 4-5pm haven't figured that out yet, but then i'd have my evening meal at a restaurant.

Please if you have any other suggestion as to what i can eat apart from my cereal and ryvita please let me know.

Umm, actually my weight is fine now, thanks. What's with all the assumptions? First I was male, now I am a failed dieter :)

I just think that you are probably setting yourself up for a difficult time on holiday. This sort of regime is fine at home but tends to fall over on holiday. To be honest, weight maintenance is realistic on holidays, weight loss is unlikely.

But hey, whatever works for you, and good luck with it. Enjoy the sunshine!
It wasn't an assumption i was basing it on the fact that i dont know a single person that hasn't failed on some sort of diet. Since you said you had been on dietS (plural) i thought it was fair to say that you must of failed at least once to have to go on another one. Since your happy with your weight now the last one must of worked. And it worked cause you had a routine and you stuck to it.

The male re-mark was a joke picked up wrong.

I'm trying to avoid the difficult time i know is ahead of me, i'd be perfectly happy with maintenance thats what i'm aiming for, dont expect to actually lose any weight just dont want to put on the weight i have managed to lose so far. I'll know when i get back if i managed to do this.

Thanks for the luck i'll need and, and i'll certainly enjoy the sunshine. I'll even try and bring some back with me.
What's the latest from Victoria Beckham and her WAG pals in OK! / Heat magazine? Isn't all holiday and dietary wisdom condensed in these publications? :D
Jeez, don't mention diet. It could be construed as medical by the consultants :)