Calls grow for Mary Lou McDonald to make Dáil statement about former party press officer

Calls grow for Mary Lou McDonald to make Dáil statement about former party press officer

No idea why SF seem to have a blind spot for sex offenders. Lessons clearly have not been learned.
They've a blind spot for people who blow up and shoot children as well. Why do you think sex offenders should be any different? Maybe his victim(s) was/were protestant kids?
It's a little more than ironic that an organisation with a long history of taking the law into their own hands and administering corporal punishment as they see fit now think it's OK to hide behind statements saying such issues were a matter for the Gardai.
You'd think SF would have rehearsed a response in the event something like this happened....whoever is advising Maryloo needs a good kneecapping if not a six-pack.

Clearly to anyone with an ounce of awareness, the response is to get out in front of it, loads of handwringing and ufasach ufasagh type guff.

She hoped it would just go away of its own accord. Really poor leadership, I for one hope she continues forever as SF leader :)
It's a little more than ironic that an organisation with a long history of taking the law into their own hands and administering corporal punishment as they see fit now think it's OK to hide behind statements saying such issues were a matter for the Gardai.
are you talking about Sinn Fein or the Catholic Church here?, right now, I'm stuggling to see a difference
She said that the two concerned would be subject to the full rigours of SF’s rules.

They’ll sleep with one eye open……
Mary Lou wants to run the country, but as party leader she is doing a very bad job of managing what her own party organisation does.
The wheels seem to be coming off for Sinn Fein. The party members and TDs who held the mistaken belief that the elected party leadership actually run the party seem to have begun to realise their error.
It's quite astonishing how quickly their fortunes have turned around (or perhaps their rise was a blip rather than a sustained movement?)

This was barely a year ago -they were way ahead of FG and FF - now they're trailing in third place and still slipping. It'll be interesting to see what transpires after the next election.

They fail time and time again to read the electorate particularly that element who should naturally gravitate to the shinners

It reminds me of an interview with a senior FA official bemoaning that their supporters read the Sun or the Mirror while the Rugby supporters read the Irish Times.

At the heart of SF there is a contempt for the working class, similar to UK Labours Emily Thornberrys contempt for the white van man and his patriotism.
