Best car for first time/learner driver

If someone could show you the basics in an industrial estate at least you would feel a bit more confident going out on the road.

If it is a private industrial estate you may well be asked to leave - we have a large car park here in work and security get rid of learners in teh car park out of hours.

Make sure you have a licence and insurance before learning in a public car park early in the morning. Gardai caught (and got convicted) a girl who was learning in a car park (with a fully licenced person who owned the car)when it was closed to the public in Lenister - like go catch a criminal.

I learned in a one litre micra - loved my little buzz bomb, then bought a starlet - no love but it was nippy 1.3 and now have a carolla 1.3 and it is bigger so had to get used to the size.
Da hubbie and i always argue about the "do you get the car first or after you get the lessons" - i say first - when you pay insurance you it sure motivates you to concentrate!!.
I learned driving at 7am on a sunday morning - my mother got me to drive her to mass miles away and i soon learned how to get the hang of it!!
Hi nelly on the first time we went to the industrial estate my boyfriend spoke to the security man and asked was it ok. We used to go to it on a sunday afternoon or evening and their would be a few cars learning aswell. I suppose it depends on the industrial estate and security.