Baptism - yes or no?

  1. Are we religious
  2. Do we attend mass/service
  3. Will we bring them up in the spirit of the church
  4. Can we seperarte the church and faith from the actions of some individuals

And don't forget in relation to point 3 this would mean that for example understanding your seemingly innocent newborn baby actually has original sin, and baptism cleanses this and later in life should your child have sex outside marriage he would be committing mortal sin and must never take contraception nor have sterilisation. He would also have to believe in immaculate conception and the fact that the mother of Christ had a virgin birth and what this means for all other women who give birth is that they are basically dirty, in the past women were routinely 'churched' to become clean again. And let's not mention divorce or the mornning after pill. What an amazing organisation to be part of.
Exactly Bronte, And some people belief in all that... ahem.... crap! Thats why i suggested that if you dont believe in your version of the church - why not bring them up in the spirit of another church. If RC - go COI or unitarian, where the dogma is not against your own personal beliefs. And if your not religious, and do not follow the rules - well then DO NOT baptize your child - its a farce!