Anyone have suggestions to get rid of the big horrible spiders

A friend of mine got a company to spray the outside of her house with some spray type stuff..Apparently it lasts for a year and keeps spiders out.
Sorry I dont have more details..I will see if I can ask her or get some info on the net
Sounds worrying - what effect might this have on humans and kids (sorry - kids are humans too I am told ) in the vicinity of the house?
Get one of those plug in sensors that are used to get rid of mice etc. We had one in our old house, and the sensor didn't get rid of the mice but it got rid of the spiders !!! They were big hairy ones too and u couldn't catch them, but this seemed to do the trick.

The sonic wave things, do they really work? Would they affect my dog?
I am seriously considering attending the fear of spiders course run in London Zoo..
It's 100 Sterling and the couse runs every few months...It's a half day session with an optional meeting of two zoo residents of the eight legged variety..
Has anyone heard of something similair in Ireland or heard anything about these courses ?????
I got one of those devices for mice last year and haven't seen a mouse since. It isn't getting rid of spiders though. Every September we get alot of them in the house. They are big. Last night one of approx 2" diameter. I don't mind them though. I put a glass over them, slide a bit of cardboard under the glass and put the spider outside. (after having a good look at it - they're fascinating and maybe if you get used to looking at them up close you might get over your phobia). You need to put them at least 50M from the house or they will come back in straight away. Sorry to say this but to be honest, I don't think there's much you can do about them...........
50 M from the house ,that is interesting..Of course I normally kill them so I dont have that problem...Spiders are the only living thing I kill....
I hate that I do it but the fear gets the better of me.....

Also in my head is that once I have this fear I will pass it on to any future children..There is no hiding fears from children as they pick up on everything....

Are more women than men afraid of spiders ???..I would say women are more afraid,but why ???
Like many people I used to have an irrational fear of spiders. Not sure why but most likely influenced by siblings and friends. Certainly not inherited from my parents. Anyway at some point I realised that this fear was silly and decided to familiarise myself with them by learning a bit about them and picking them up to move them as far as possible. Initially just smaller ones but progressively bigger and bigger ones. It's an ongoing process but I find that it has helped to make me much more comfortable with them and I find them (especially garden varieties) fascinating.
Clubman - if you're still alive, let us know when you progress to the tarantulas
The spiders we have in this country are harmless clean and very good workers, they set traps for to catch them dirty spitting goo house flys that put their saliva on your food and proceed to suck up whatever they can, the spider don't want to be in your house, they would rather be outside under the eve hiding in dark holes or somewhere where they can set traps and ambush flys etc, and I love it when they catch the maggot infested blue bottle, 3 cheers for the spider!!!
It does seem to be Spider Season again unfortunately. My brother in law was doing some work for me in the house in the middle of last week and confessed at the weekend that a spider as big as a jack russell was in my box room and he does not know where it went!!

I would go into a room with a mouse in it, but not a spider. Why are they getting so big too!
A great way of entertaining small children is getting them to collect spiders and throw them out the window. My son (aged 2.5) caught 6 crane flies this morning and it kept him entertained for over and hour!!!
At least he won't have a spider phobia when he's older.
BTW i've checked and they won't bite or sting him.
Hi, We moved into a house that had been vacant for some months and found that spiders had taken over the garden shed ,(have several times walked into a web) ,also had command of the back gate , side and patio door. As they were in excess, I used the yard brush to clear most but as spiders ear flys, I happy to leave them around as flys and kitchens dont mix