I am seriously considering attending the fear of spiders course run in London Zoo..
It's 100 Sterling and the couse runs every few months...It's a half day session with an optional meeting of two zoo residents of the eight legged variety..
Has anyone heard of something similair in Ireland or heard anything about these courses ?????
Eh if you want a sure cure just go to the Philippines for a couple of months. I used to have those jumping spiders hopping over my dinner of an afternoon. And some of the beasties I have never seen before or since, I'm convinced they haven't been catalogued by science.
One yoke looked like a cross between an earwig and a crab, and flew around merrily too, like little horrible reindeer in front of santas sled. Apparently it "bites boys eggs". Nice. Even the industrial strength insecticide didn't unduly bother it.
I won't even start on the time that the fiend with "many legs" terrorised the household for a couple of days. Could possibly have been one of [broken link removed], however, from the descriptions. I didn't see it though. The best time was when a beetle the size of my two fists (not joking) flew in the door with a drone like a motorbike. I nearly hurled the chair at it before the filipinos cut it down with a machete.

I don't think it meant any harm though, just blundered in. It seems it eats coconuts. Dousing that with bug spray would have been an exercise in futility too, like trying to kill an alsatian with the jet from the garden hose.
Waking up with ants of five different species crawling all over you engaging in a territorial dispute over your lower back, if you were lucky, ah them were the days... And the insects over there were
smart too. All of our bugs seem to be domesticated or something, these ants were raiding the sugar bowl, and I drove them off with a spoon, but I swear one little creature looked at me, looked at the sugar, gauged his chances and ran back to get another grain before legging it. I've no fear of any insects since then, although I do despise mosquitoes with a passion. Miss one patch with the "off" and you'll have a dozen new holes in that spot for the next week.