By REM I mean Rapid Eye Movement - I think our brains find it hard to adjust to the speed they can travel relative to their size. This was the theory on the documentary on phobias I saw a number of years ago.
I KNOW my fear is irrational but can't help the way my heart beats fast and i have the need to escape the room with the spider in it each time I see what I class as a large spider. My husband thinks I am mad but a phobia is oftewn irrational. I have tried looking at them when in a glass but still get unnerved when I next see them. Maybe its the unexpectedness of suddenly seeing one. If I know one is in a room cannot go in there until I know its been caught. One of my sister's shares my phobia while the rest of the family seem ok. Tried not to pass this onto my kids but my 3 year old daughter is afraid of any kind of creepy crawly so have failed!
I KNOW my fear is irrational but can't help the way my heart beats fast and i have the need to escape the room with the spider in it each time I see what I class as a large spider. My husband thinks I am mad but a phobia is oftewn irrational. I have tried looking at them when in a glass but still get unnerved when I next see them. Maybe its the unexpectedness of suddenly seeing one. If I know one is in a room cannot go in there until I know its been caught. One of my sister's shares my phobia while the rest of the family seem ok. Tried not to pass this onto my kids but my 3 year old daughter is afraid of any kind of creepy crawly so have failed!