Anyone have suggestions to get rid of the big horrible spiders

You could have some sort of phobia which might respond to treatment. See the CBT recommendations made earlier in this thread if you would like to work on getting over this illogical behaviour.
Am too quite scared of DaddyLonglegs or crane flies as hubby correctly calls them... but have two of those spider catcher for upstairs and one for downstairs...

I hate having to kill anything and now will go out of way not to especially when armed with kind safe spider remover was a guy in cork who invented this wonderful gadget and was very thankful today as removed an extremely long DLLs with it who was not very pleased at my efforts to catch him ...but it's a great invention, people should try it. I got mine in The Gadget store in Jervis Street. Fota wildlife had them too!

I do think its a shame to kill them especially when there are kinder ways to simply remove them. I am terrified of them....cannot watch the tv if I know there is one in room, it has to go or I go! But with spider catcher it is no longer a problem...have overcome my fear to the extent that I can safely remove them...I think people should give it a try. Now instead of freezing when I see a spider or DLL, I simply go for my nearest spider catcher and two mins later I can relax and feel good about myself...go on and try it! Its much better than feeling terror. Now I have a measure of control on the situation and am being kinder to nature.
Regarding getting rid of spiders, buy a Cat, they love spiders, chasing them and eating them not very nice have to admitt. but my two cats love chasing spiders up and down the wall, across the floor, in and out corners and finally they catch them and eat them! so buy a cat...
Thanks for the suggestions I don't think I could overcome it, I just want them to go away! Can't see myself ever being comfortable with one of them in the room with me. Re the catcher things I will buy them anyway for the OH to use, can't see myself ever getting close enough to use one. Anytme I see one, I scream and run and don't go near the room till he removes it. The DDLL's are horrible but I am brave enough to get them with the sweeping brush. I didn't start out killing these, just let them out the door but there are so many now they are uncontrollable.

Have a dog, so the cat's out. The dog sometimes catches the DDLL's, she slips around the wooden floor snapping at the air which is quite comical to watch, she then spits them out a while later, usually on the stairs or some other place you might walk on! Nice..
I can't stand things that fly, especially beetles which can suddendly take off, so I quite like spiders because they only crawl around and eat flies. Poor helpless DDLLs how anyone can be frightened of them is beyond me.
You sound like my husband but I keep reminding him it's irrational fear! I know it's irrational...he keeps telling me how many times bigger I am than them but its fear without logic! what can you do...what I do is deal with them is such a way that they can go off about their business somewhere else unharmed. its the best I can do for now. Would much rather not be afraid of them but have to say there are so many DLL around now that when I was cutting grass yesterday I wasn't jumping as much. I don't find things so frightening out in the open...its when they're trapped in the house flying like maniacs that scares me. Was sitting on couch the other day and one flew at my face...if that's not a direct attack I don't know what is!!! nah, am kidding...of course they're harmless but irrational fear is so called because its well ...irrational.

Buy spider-catchers though, can't say it enough. Am so grateful for mine.
I too have noticed an increased number of DDLLs and they seem to congregate on or arounf my front door like they are waiting to be invited in. There seems to be alway 10/11 of them outside the door together. Killed my first spider ever last night as DH was late and couldn't go to bed with him in the sitting room so threw the argos catalogue at him! i have one on those sonic wave machines but don't think it deters spiders/DDLLs.
I was wrong about this "Don't DDLL have a nasty venom but its just that they can't penetrate our skin???"

Suggestion, get a few mice...if you have mice you'll have no spiders!

According to Wikipedia they are the second most creature on the planet by people in UK!
Didn't know they had so many names ... daddy long legs ... ... who came up with lollygaggers or gollywhoppers.

On a more serious note ... they are laying eggs at this time of year ... ever notice when you cut you grass in autumn how millions of birds appear on it pecking for insects ... they are looking for leatherjackets ... the larvae of the crane fly. When the larvae hatch (about now) they feed on your lawn roots leaving brown patches. You can get a nematode solution to kill the leather jackets ... which is biological and uses nematode Steinernema feltiae to feed on the crane fly larvae.

Hate the little blighters myself ... but not enough go to the bother of treating the lawn to get rid of them!
why not just suck them up with the carpet cleaner or a hand held vacum cleaner as i do when i see them
why not just suck them up with the carpet cleaner or a hand held vacum cleaner as i do when i see them

I heard that if you suck them up into your vacuum cleaner the increased airflow causes them to grow to 5 times their normal size! This coupled with the fact that they are known to attack human eyes (to lay their eggs) tells me that the safest course of action is to leave these evil creatures alone.
With respect Dock that's not really a spider,
Wasn't that camel spider picture the basis to that gulf war urban legend that was doing the rounds?

In a similar vein, there was also a picture of a very large creature that looks like a pale woodlouse. They look to be about a foot long and they live at the bottom of the ocean. If I find a picture, I'll edit this post.
My God I have just killed 7 very large spiders in the last hour. Never seen the like before in my home or in Ireland. I dont like killing them but they freak me out.Prefer to come up with a border defence to stop them coming in.Anyone any ideas on how to stop them coming in pesticides etc and please dont say they are good creatures, dont touch them etc. When it comes to spiders I am irrational and I dont want them anywhere near me.Help!!!!!
Well thanks for suggestions so far, and thanks to all you meanies with the horrible pictures for freaking me out, my fault for opening them I suppose
The spiders here are nothing compared to those found in other places - I once found one of these in a bunch of bananas in my flat in Southern Africa.

A date with a large frying pan is the best way of dealing with these criters, but watch out for the ones that jump!
I am petrified of spiders..I am sorry to day that I just kill them.
If I put them outside they are only going to come back in again so they have to die.
I wish they did not bother me becauses it causes me many problems from going on holiday's to sitting on garden furniture.

A friend of mine got a company to spray the outside of her house with some spray type stuff..Apparently it lasts for a year and keeps spiders out.
Sorry I dont have more details..I will see if I can ask her or get some info on the net