Annoying dreamer

And its 'her' not 'him'. Women rule!


Apologies Mam! It must be the way the light catches you.

Ho ho ho, very funny, I see 'Chocolate' has just registered as a new member( what's the betting a man is behind it) just can't take it when women take their natural place at the top of the pecking order.
Actually I just registered it and then realised It couldn't post here.

What can I say, It's Friday afternoon.

Vanilla said:
I see 'Chocolate' has just registered as a new member( what's the betting a man is behind it)....
Eh, there's no member called 'Chocolate', only ''!

Anyway, Friday pm or not, we'd better be careful where this discussion goes about whether men or women should be on top...
I was just waiting for that one, Dr.M! Predictable, toi?

BTW 'Chocolate' doesnt appear in the members list since he has yet to post a message, I saw him appear as the latest member on the bottom of the home page.
To really, really bring this thread back on topic — there's a scurrilous rumour doing the rounds over on to the effect that it's this guy who "has a dream".

What a sap. Even if the rumour is false, he looks/reads like a sap...
Oh dear lord it's so much worse than a business trying to drum up sales. It's a politician who's heart is in the right place but who's head isn't.

RULE No.1 of being a politician. You should wait until AFTER your are elected before you start annoying people.

RULE No.2 Don't quote speakers like Martin Luther King or John F Kennedy unless you can live up to the comparison. (Enda Kenny, sit up straight and pay attention this ones for you too).

Of course this guy will probable get elected because we live in a Media age where cringeworthy drivel is preferred to substance. So....Welcome to the Dail Mr Keegan.
Just, please stop driving around annoying us all.

If it is him, I suspect he's lost the vote of anyone who was inflicted with his droning on and knows it was him. I don't care what his politics are, or how good he might be. He's obviously got ideas above himself to use that quote in the first place, and no brain to be annoying people by blaring it out.
I'm trying to decide whether Harvey Norman or Jim Langan's have the more annoying ads. Any votes?