Annoying dreamer

Gracious in defeat, that's the spirit! ;)

Check out some of the "funny fights" — or make up your own...
If you use our REAL Names I narrowly win.
But you'll all have to figure out the real names to try it yourselves.
I guess this means that if we ever have to sort this out in a REAL fight I'll kick his ass.

(I did a simple google search, If I'd have typed the names into GoogleFight they'd
still be visible).

Also good to see Kilkenny Wiped the Floor with Bohs. :)

We have the power:

Let's call the next election now:

No wonder we keep drawing with them in Soccer Matches

2,610,000 to me versus 2,560,000 to you with our real life names. Call it a draw? :D
Stick Quotes around the Names so you're not getting any false hits from people like Timothy Dalton, and I think I win, unless the Private Eye I employed gave me the wrong name for you. In which case the wrong person is about to get a visit from a hit man.


Still close enough for a draw either way. :)

Ah - but if you use my formal first name as it appears on my birth cert rather than my "familiar" first name then it's 142,000 versus 30,600 to me! Olé, olé olé olé, olé, olé....
Did I mention the name on my birth cert is "George Washington"

I could tell you what visions I have of you, but I think it might breach a few of the Posting Guidelines. :)

Suffice to say, that if you were a world leader, I'd be pushing for sanctions to stop you developing a Nuclear Program.

Dr. Dr. You must know posters on AAM are like 2 year olds. You can't bring a shiny toy like GoogleFight into the house and still expect us to sit at the table and eat our veggies.

Just peeved. I've pitched "Dr Moriarty" against "mere mortals", "minions", "yer ma", etc. ...and they're all whuppin' my ass! :mad:
Even if we gang up on him we're still in trouble.

All bow to the new Ruler.

We just can't win. Even when Clubman and DaltonR are playing nicely, they still manage to drag the thread off-topic :). Although I think it's gone through about 4 different themes so far, so I can't blame them entirely.
I might concede defeat to chocolate, if there were any around...however, as there is none, I accept the crown as long as it comes with no responsibilities or duties of any kind. And its 'her' not 'him'. Women rule!