Annoying dreamer


Registered User
Did anyone else have the joys of listening to some idiot driving around yesterday evening blaring "I have a dream" over and over again? I have no idea what it's about, but they've already lost any chance of my custom.
Heard it this morning all right - walking past the Customs House. Thought it got louder when I was near one of the lorries waiting at the lights and was thinking to myself it was unusual for someone to be listening to MLK's speech when driving but each to their own. Then realised it was just "I had a dream" bit over and over again. Couldn't figure out where it was coming from but in just the few minutes it took me to walk from there to the office it was annoying me.
I heard something loud blaring from a van around Pearse Street station yesterday evening but couldn't make out what it was saying.
It's just gone by my office. It's a small black car with the words "I have a dream" written on it.

I presume that it is just a teaser to get us talking about it and then we will be exposed to the full ad next week.

And it works... we are now talking about it.

And it works... we are now talking about it.

But we've all agreed not to buy whatever it is right????? :)
I have never in my life bought or allowed anyone with me to buy Radion Washing Powder (Is it even still made???) after the cringingly bad Ad's from the Late 80's involving a family from Tramore. It's completely irrational, but I'd pay slightly more to avoid using that product, it conjures up such horrible memories.

was thinking to myself it was unusual for someone to be listening to MLK's speech when driving but each to their own.

Hands Up. I have done just that. I have a couple of CD's of great speeches (including MLK's) and a few good Books on CD, like Plato's Republic etc. I'd never get through them as bedtime reading but they're perfect for the Dublin-Waterford Drive.

Actually using a clip from that stunning speach as an annoying advertisement gimmick is pretty reprehensible.

Who do you go shopping with - your butler or something?

You do realise that Supermarkets allow more than one person to go shopping together. Housemates, Couples, Whole Families sometimes.

Who dreams up advertising gimmicks like this? Do they not realise how annoying it is? Can't you just picture some bright ad executive - Ah yes, we'll do something truly annoying before we launch the product. That should draw the punters.
I'd have to admit that I'm less than impressed with the general standard of advertising in this country.
I'd have to admit that I'm less than impressed with the general standard of advertising in this country.

Advertising really does my head in. I mean the really bad stuff and there's a lot of that.

There's a great Guinness ad campaign running in the States, the "BRILLIANT!" campaign. Why don't we get it here? Who knows.

Maybe it is something in the vein of "Big Ed loves Mona"...... I liked that concept I have to say!!!
daltonr said:
You do realise that Supermarkets allow more than one person to go shopping together. Housemates, Couples, Whole Families sometimes.
I was just curious as to how/why you can seemingly tell your co-shoppers what not to buy. Sounds a bit odd to me.
I was just curious as to how/why you can seemingly tell your co-shoppers what not to buy. Sounds a bit odd to me.

Are you saying that if you and your wife went shopping and she expressed a strong dislike of a product and you had no preference one way or the other that you'd buy the brand she disliked just to spite her?

I've never met anyone who wanted Radion so badly that it became an issue.

Since we now usually buy Surf I don't honestly know If Radion is still sold.

I also instucted/requested/pleaded with Mrs Murt that under no circumstances, even if they were giving it away, was she to bring Radion into the house. She agreed as by buying the product you were only encouraging more annoying adds, and boy was that an annoying add.

"Poo Dad you smell" Yuk.

Oh thank goodness for that. I thought I was the only one crazy enough to still bear a grudge all these years later. Now that I know I'm not alone I can confess to a few others.

I also stopped buying Yorkies during the whole "Full Monty" add campaign.
But started again with the "Don't Feed The Birds" campaign. A good add is so rare we have to reward them.

I stopped buying silvermints when I noticed that the wrappers were the same size as always but if you pushed at both ends it collapsed. Had they started wrapping one less mint in each packet? I dunno, but it wasn't a once off. AFAIK it's still the case.

I can't cross the Threshold at Harvey Norman. I just can't do it. When the Ad starts I have to switch to a different channel on the radio. I don't know if ads that come after the Harvey Norman add get a discount because of people switching off.

Pretty much any Ad that involves a gang of women sitting around chatting (usually about men) annoys the crap out of me. I don't know if they annoy women (who they are aimed at). But if you must target ads at women can you at least try to make them less annoying for the rest of us.

On the positive side, I like Ben Dunne's current ad for his Gym's. It's very simple just him telling you to give them a call that he'll save you money. No fake conversation's with terrible acting. He has been very impressive any time I've seen/heard him interviewed.

I really like the current Guiness ad going from the guys at the bar back to the mudskipper.
Harvey Norman has annoyed me far too much over the years. They'd need something really good to get me into the store. I also tend to change channels the moment the ad starts. They seem to have managed to tone down the annoyance factor of their ads somewhat over the last while. Maybe they finally realised that annoying ads are counter-productive and there is such a thing as bad publicity.
>'Tis all from those nice people at [broken link removed], anyway...

That unavoidable. But at least if annoying Ads don't get sales then they might up their Game. Not that's Surf's Ad's with Biddy flirting with Checkout Boy were a Barrel of Laughs, but compared to the Radion Ad's .....

Thank goodness other people feel the same about the "Thanks very much , Mr. Harvey" ads. Never will I go near Harvey Norman's because of them.
When the Ad starts I have to switch to a different channel on the radio. I don't know if ads that come after the Harvey Norman add get a discount because of people switching off.

When we last ran a radio advertising campaign, we instructed the radio station that we didn't want any of our adverts on after Harvy Norman for precisely this reason.