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I've been an Prime member for years and have just switched to They have offers for switchers - refund of last monthly membership fee, free 30-day membership, and €6.99 monthly charge after that which is cheaper than the €10/11 after conversion from sterling I pay at the moment.

Have a look.

What I'm waiting for is to see if their supermarket shopping materialises here and if it is any good, how prices overall compare with locals, and how competitive their other offerings are. The locals need a shake-up. Service-wise I've found them superb; its not that I haven't had problems, but they fix them fast when highlighted.

I hope the mods don't see this as merely an ad. Can I have permission to link it to the money-saving suggestions thread?
I'm in a similar position to yourself. I had only just renewed my annual subs, I got a nice email on purchasing .ie prime telling my they would cancel and refund me the membership in the coming days.

Its definitely a lot cheaper, but considering so many services are not available here that's only fair.

A few hitches though
- not clear how this will apply to Alexa if you have a load of existing devices etc imported into your account
- apaprently kindle prime isn't available on .ie
- and doesn't seem to be a way to transfer your content if you originally bought a kindle publication on
- no clear message on where you use an amazon uk account for Amazon owned companies services (I'm thinking Ring here)

On the other hand, its nice to tidy up the tax and VAT side as you don't really need to see this.
Apparently there's no "family" account or some other services.

There is a welcome offer of €10 off €50, I might use that but not ready to switch Prime yet until I get a better idea of the lay of the land.
I've a UK Prime membership so have been trying to figure out whether I should switch now or wait. I reviewed quite a few things that I've bought in the last few months and was surprised that a few of the items were very slightly cheaper (like 40c cents on £20 items), funnily enough the Irish site estimates delivery the day after the UK site for the same items.

I'm going to hold off for now as most of the stuff I buy from the UK site isn't available from the Irish site at this point and where they have alternatives they are far more expensive.
Also planning on sticking with uk prime. Seems to be wider options and as Leo stated deliver times seem to be quicker for some items from UK

I guess this will change in time but no reason for me to change yet
From a cursory glance yesterday at the new Ireland site, my overwhelming sense was that its more expensive than the UK site. Significantly so. Ill be sticking with UK site.
From a cursory glance yesterday at the new Ireland site, my overwhelming sense was that its more expensive than the UK site. Significantly so. Ill be sticking with UK site.

Are you using the listed price on the UK site to compare or the price as adjusted at the checkout for VAT/Import charges?

I just checked the price of the Aqualisa Aquastream shower. On both sites it is listed for €684.39. But when I put it in the shopping basket (Checkout) this is adjusted to €729.43 on the UK site. It doesn't change on the .ie site. (The projected delivery time is sooner from the UK site).

I am not purchasing this item - I just used it to compare.
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Same product - 3 different prices!
In any case it looks like the same yoke is 63 in germany and 83 here for us poor souls.

€68.50 + €11.50 delivery = €80. As opposed to €83 and free delivery.
I'd rather take the €3 hit. Especially as my Deutsche wouldn't be up to dealing with any issues that might arise.
I'd rather take the €3 hit. Especially as my Deutsche wouldn't be up to dealing with any issues that might arise.

I bought a Samsung phone from Amazon Spain a few years ago. Best price of all the Amazons!
Problems developed about 18 months later. I used google translate to make my case.
They refunded the €200 cost and also the €50 it cost me to return it!
On both sites it is listed for €684.39. But when I put it in the shopping basket (Checkout) this is adjusted to €729.43 on the UK site.
It calculates at Irish vat at checkout rather than UK vat. It also calculates EU duty as it's over €150 value.
Chances are they paid duty in the UK which can't be reclaimed, so the has UK duty + EU duty.