Alleged Parking Offence

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Absolutely bananas carry on from the Garda, how are you supposed to drop somebody off, just stop in the middle of the road like a bus
I wonder would the Garda have said anything if Mrs G was a taxi driver??

Just keep driving until you find a spot that isn’t a disabled parking bay.
Unfortunately it seems the garda CAN issue a ticket for stopping if you go by the 1997 statute

44 Disabled Persons' Parking Bays44. (1) Subject to sub-article (2), where traffic sign number RRM 015 [Disabled Persons Parking Bay] is provided, a vehicle shall not be stopped or parked.

However the 2022 updated Satutory Instrument No. 427/2022 - Road Traffic (Parking in Disabled Person’s Parking Bay) Regulations 2022 only mentions "Parking" and does not preclude Stopping.

Stopping is defined in UK highway regulation (possibly similar here) as for the purpose of letting people alight from a vehicle and for no additional time except to complete that.
But can you not see that you were blocking the parking bay? If everyone did it then it is going to block it for people who do need it.

It’s not just about making it convenient for yourself. Selfish behaviour.
But can you not see that you were blocking the parking bay? If everyone did it then it is going to block it for people who do need it.

It’s not just about making it convenient for yourself. Selfish behaviour.
There was nobody there. No disabled person looking to park. It was an empty street. And even if a disabled person happened to come along, they’d be able to see what was happening for the 10-15 seconds it takes for someone to get out of a car. It’s this type of pedantic nonsense that turns people against the Gardai. You’re barking up the wrong tree here. Calling it ‘selfish behaviour’ is ridiculous.
It absolutely is selfish behaviour, if everyone did it then it impacts those who need this parking spots.
As you cannot see that, it’s the definition of selfish behaviour.
Can somebody who actually knows here clarify, I was under the impression parked under the road traffic act meant stationary and has nothing to do with whether the engine is running or not.
Yes, a further 28 days, so 56 days in total from the date on the fcn.
After that the matter is automatically escalated to a court summons.

It was 30 days and 60 days back in my experience but it was yellow lines
I tried to pay the Gardai within the 30 days but they wouldn't take it. So I tried to pay the increased fine in a Post Office within 2 months which would be probably around day 61 or 62.
I had 2 months in my head instead of 60 days.
The Post Office lady said it couldn't be accepted but she gave me a receipt of attempted payment.
I went to court and it got thrown out as the Garda who issued the fine didn't turn up.
It might be a strategy that could give you the best of both worlds. Attempting to pay the fine and getting your day out in court to have your say.
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It absolutely is selfish behaviour, if everyone did it then it impacts those who need this parking spots.
As you cannot see that, it’s the definition of selfish behaviour.
What if you're in a car park and as you go around a corner someone is reversing out of a spot and in order to allow them to do so you have to stop, blocking a parking spot for disabled people?

If it's clear that a car is stopping to let someone out and will then move on then the disabled person will know that the spot is not blocked... unless their disability is blindness in which case they probably shouldn't be driving.
Can somebody who actually knows here clarify, I was under the impression parked under the road traffic act meant stationary and has nothing to do with whether the engine is running or not.
“park”, in relation to a vehicle, means keep or leave stationary, and cognate words shall be construed accordingly;

Above is from the interpretation section of the Road Traffic Act. I don't believe parking is defined any further in the Act or Acts
It absolutely is selfish behaviour, if everyone did it then it impacts those who need this parking spots.
As you cannot see that, it’s the definition of selfish behaviour.
Contending that it’s selfish behaviour is the definition of mindlessness and demonstrates a complete lack of understanding around how to analyse a situation.

I asked a disabled person about it this morning and their view was that it was ridiculous. They made the very valid point that the preciousness is offensive to disabled people who are people too. People who, if they drove up and came across the situation, would say ‘oh look, someone dropping off their partner, fair enough’.
Taking it as you described its over the top for dropping off but it looks like there are no grounds for appeal. Appealing because it is ridiculous does not mean you will be successful. It is only for you to decide if you want to put time into something that has little chance of a successful outcome.
There was nobody there. No disabled person looking to park. It was an empty street. And even if a disabled person happened to come along, they’d be able to see what was happening for the 10-15 seconds it takes for someone to get out of a car. It’s this type of pedantic nonsense that turns people against the Gardai. You’re barking up the wrong tree here. Calling it ‘selfish behaviour’ is ridiculous.
So why didn't Mrs G stop on a part of the empty street that wasn't designated as a disabled person's parking bay?

I get the pedantic cop bit, but they are out there so why paint a target on your back?
Write a letter to local station chief setting out circumstances, I got a ticket once for being parked in a disabled spot except that I wasn't, there was a disabled space either side of the one I was in and for some reason the garda obviously decided it was a row of 3 which it wasn't. I took pics of car when I came back to it and found the ticket and then came back and took pics when all 3 spaces were empty to show middle one wasn't marked, printed them out and sent them with letter Never heard another word about it, not even a reply to my letter.
So why didn't Mrs G stop on a part of the empty street that wasn't designated as a disabled person's parking bay?

I get the pedantic cop bit, but they are out there so why paint a target on your back?
Maybe she's a Buddhist? They don't like the disabled; bad Karma and all that.
She might be able to sue the Garda on the grounds of religious discrimination.
Most normal people who pull into the kerb when they are dropping a person off immediately indicate they are pulling out again. Anyone with a whit of situational awareness would see the car pull in, the passenger door open, the driver indicating they are pulling out and know it is a drop off and themselves indicate they wish to pull into that space. As Mr&Mrs GG know it is only seconds.

And if I was doing a drop off, I would be scanning in my rear view mirror for an opportunity to exit back out into the traffic, and if I noticed a car slow down as if looking for a car parking space I would then indicate I was pulling off again, if I did not already have my indicator on.

It’s like knowing the car in front of you is definitely going to change lanes even before they indicate, it is all about situational awareness and reading other road users. Mr&Mrs GG did nothing wrong and they were not parked, they were just doing a drop off. I doubt they spent 20 minutes discussing how they were going to miss each other, whether MrGg was going to have a good time, did he want to be picked up again etc etc.
And the next person was just using the ATM for 30 seconds, the next was pulling in for a moment to answer a phone, etc etc

If everyone has an excuse then this impacts the people who genuinely need to use this parking bays.
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