J jim Registered User Messages 887 13 Dec 2020 #41 Thanks to Ent319 in particular as well as other contributors. I found this thread to be very thought provoking and a good read.
Thanks to Ent319 in particular as well as other contributors. I found this thread to be very thought provoking and a good read.
N NoRegretsCoyote Registered User Messages 5,766 14 Dec 2020 #42 @Ent319 It's an excellent summary. Don't forget that there are a few things about Ireland that really tilt the balance toward paying down mortgage over equities: Highest tax rates in Europe on dividend income; Close to CGT rates in Europe; Highest or close to highest mortgage interest rates in euro area; No mortgage interest relief. The arithmetic isn't nearly as clear cut for the examples you will read about online for the US and UK.
@Ent319 It's an excellent summary. Don't forget that there are a few things about Ireland that really tilt the balance toward paying down mortgage over equities: Highest tax rates in Europe on dividend income; Close to CGT rates in Europe; Highest or close to highest mortgage interest rates in euro area; No mortgage interest relief. The arithmetic isn't nearly as clear cut for the examples you will read about online for the US and UK.
G Gordon Gekko Registered User Messages 7,932 14 Dec 2020 #43 Absolutely. The jaws do widen elsewhere in the world where mortgage rates are far lower and where tax-rates are also lower.
Absolutely. The jaws do widen elsewhere in the world where mortgage rates are far lower and where tax-rates are also lower.