Affordable Housing with Fingal Co Co

Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

I don't know, but it's ridiculous. In a year and two months on the list, I got the offer of viewing three properties. Even after nearly 10 months on the list, I was told I was still too far down to be offered a property. Plus, the vow of silence they take makes no sense. What harm could it do to let people know what's coming up, except to allow them to make a more informed decision about their choice of property! Grr..
(Okay, that's my daily Fingal rant over with for now.)
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal


Anyone else had this prob? Ive accepted an apart in Lusk, paid the deposit of EUR 1500 and am awaiting final loan approval. This has been going on for about almost 2 months. When I went to see the apartment end of feb they told me if I took it i could be in it in 2 months! Snag isnt even done. Word of warning, staff in Fingal CC are constanlty on annual leave / 2 hours lunches / course days so they are not too pushed about working on your case.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Hi MLouisa,

I know what you mean. I have not been offered anything but they are horrendous to deal with.

I think that its dreadful to offer the apt to and not have something done almost 2 months later. Totally unprofessional. I'd be freaking out at this stage if that was me.

What to do though? There are 100's of people on the list and local list. Everyone is being treated the same way and we are letting them, they are getting away with it but what else can we do except wait for them. Makes my blood boil..

Have you spoken to your local politician?

Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

No not yet but when I get the loan approval I will def speak to a local politician if as I think the case is, the mortgage protection being charged by FIngal CC is a lot higher than i could get through a broker!
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal


It was about that timeframe for me (between paying & moving in)... but i wouldn't worry as you will get it, and you can use the time to get cash for the fit-out!

Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Got a letter in the post for a viewing of two bedroom apartments and houses in lusk. Went to look at them before ringing fingal back. They are just too far out for me but hay at least its a offer of a viewing. Hopefully sumwhere closer comes next..
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Hi Fingal Aff,
I also got a letter for lusk. Would give anything to get it. I rang them and they said they sent the letter to over 300 people for 22 properties. my chances seem slim.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Ouch. I got that letter too.
Would have been really excited if I hadn't read on these boards that they mailshot everyone. It sounds like there's a big scramble to be the first to say "that'll do" with what is available.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

when did you get approved and are you on a local list
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Would love Lusk myself but have not had a letter yet.

But I've viewed 2 places in the past month.
Hopefully its on its way.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Are you on a local list? where did you view? when did you get approved?
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

If you not having any joy with PArt V Affordable units, ask them if they have and AHI Units coming up soon, they are a little dearer but they do ge them in!!
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Have applied for the AHI aswell.

I had to fill in seperate app forms. There was a note on the back of them saying that if you already have your approval your application will move quicker but all none of the banks will go ahead and give approval until they have your cert to say you have been offered something...
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

I applied in November and was approved in late February. I am on the local list.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

I was approved the end of feb too. It was my first letter, dying to find out if i even get an appointment to view. Today is the last day for people to express an interest so we should find out soon
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Hi, This is my first post, ive only just discovered this web site and i have to say it has made my blood boil. I 1st applied june 06,was approved Aug 06. I have got substantial savings but yet, this Lusk Village letter is the 1st letter i have received! I, having not read any of this presumed this left me with a good chance after all this time of ACTUALLY viewing a proprty, but upon reading others posts, it seems unlikely, with them sending over 300 letters out for 22 houses. It seems others who have been approved as late as feb this year, have been out viewing properties already. Is this the case?? I am on both general and local area list for Swords/Malahide/Howth etc. Any further information or people in the same situation, id love to hear some more details. Thanks!
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Hi I'd say you've a good chance if your approved since last august. Especially if your on local list... I'm very surprised you haven't had a letter before now. Have you doubled check to see if you are defo on local list.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Hi everyone,
I read this thread all the time for news but this is actually my first post!
I too got a letter about Lusk as (it seems from this thread) did the rest of the world! I drove up to look and would be really happy with them.. thought I had a good chance until I read this..feeling disappointed now..
hope they ring early tomorrow put me out of my misery!
I applied Nov 06 got approval Dec.. Im on both the general and local list. I got a letter about the places in Cityside in Feb but wasnt interested so didnt view.. would love Lusk tho..good luck everyone!
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Hi I'd say you've a good chance if your approved since last august. Especially if your on local list... I'm very surprised you haven't had a letter before now. Have you doubled check to see if you are defo on local list.

Hiya,Yeah defo on the local list, they say im in the top 1/3 now, but im trying not to get too hopeful. I also, have had a look out at lusk village and would happily accept one, i didnt realise the letter didnt really mean anything so feeling very disappointed now . Fingers crossed anyway that they let us know early enough tommorow!
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Hi all,
I just called fingal and they've had a very good reponse to lusk village and might not be able to offer everyone a viewing but will let everyone know by the end of the week.