Affordable Housing with Fingal Co Co

Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Hi didnt get into see one, i just had a look in the window, the bedrooms are a decent size but from what i could see the kitchen and living room have no divide, i could be wrong.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Oh ok.

We looked in windows too and there was stand alone kitchens not adjoined to any other room.
Unless we were looking in the wrong windows but it was the 2 blocks at the end of the drive in that we checked out. There is a little lawn between the two blocks.

Anyway, we could both be wrong. I have my viewing on Friday at 3pm so will let you know.

Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Thats what i mean that kitchen you saw is also the living room.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

If thats the case then I think I will actually lose my reason.

They cannot be justified in expecting people to live like that.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Hi guys,

For info the apartment units above the ground floor are a little bigger. The groundfloor units seem to be smaller because of their "own door" and its corridor running through.

I nearly took the arm off the lady who was showing me one of the Cityside/Citygate Units when she offered one. I think on balance of location and local services, family,bus, shops and 5k from the City Centre and so on they are an excellent choice.

I went to view Kettles lane a little earlier in the yeat, however in my opinion they weren't for me specificaly and with a very poor bus service which I need for work...... I thought they (ground floor apt) were very good value for money, well buit and they had a fine sitting room. So best of luck to anyone who took Kettles Lane.

Best of luck to anyone viewing Cityside / Citygate.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

P.S. Anyone who went to view might let me know what they thought of the units! Good luck
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

P.S. Anyone who went to view might let me know what they thought of the units! Good luck


I went to look at them today too. I liked them, but they are very small (as expected). The ground floor ones are really tiny. My appointment wasnt until 3, so all the upper floor ones were booked at that stage. I did however put my name on the cancelations list.

From what the lady said, I dont think there are many more properties in the pipeline - she said they had a few in Lusk and in Ballbriggan coming up shortly, but not much more. The ones today are also the last ones in this development.

Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Hi all,

I also went to view citygate today, my appointment was for 2.30pm, unfortunately all that was left was the first floor, which dosent interest me. The upper floors did have a slightly bigger living area but still quite small, im on the waiting list for a cancellation, was quite shocked when i heard the ground fees 1600 euro. At 154 the 2nd floor apartments are a great investment, better than half price.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

I didnt ask about the service charges, but 1600 sounds crazy. Has anyone heard of any other properties in line from Fingal? As I said, the lady said that they have a "few" properties coming up in Lusk and Ballbriggan, although I read somewhere that there may be a few coming up in Tyrellstown and Ongar. The more I think about it, I think I might settle for a place in Lusk, though the travelling would be a killer.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Lusk is a grand commute to City Centre. A train at 7.27 will have you in connolly at 7.50. Just beware if you are not used to the area: the train station car park is full by 7.10am. People park in a field next to it, not technically allowed also no fun if its wet and mucky. You may have to walk to the station if you are going anytime after 7.30am. but apart from this its a lovely area!
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Lusk is a grand commute to City Centre. A train at 7.27 will have you in connolly at 7.50.

Thats not much use if you need to bring a boot-load of spare computer parts to a site in Nutgrove! (as thats what I do for a living!)
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Well, I have been offered an upper-floor, south facing apartment in Citygate, and I have more or less accepted it.... thoughts anyone?
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Hi Johnjay, congrats!

You're the one going to be living there, paying the mortgage.
its ultimately your choice.

I turned them down for my reasons, but if you are happy - then go for it I say.

I think the location and complex are great, the apartments themselves are a nice size, good sized rooms.

Good luck if you go ahead with it.

Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Have also been offered Citygate upper floor, have decided not to accept although it was a very tough decision.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

I'm sure that was tough.
I found it tough myself, I really want to have somewhere to live but you have to decide based on whats right for you and thats what I did.

Something else will come up.

Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Were all the Cityside apartments two bedroom? I've been holding out for somewhere with three bedrooms (out of necessity, not wanting a fancy guest room or anything!) but have been on the list since last February and have only seen two places, one of which was WAY to far out for commuting to the city centre by public transport and the other I didn't get cause I was too far down the list.
Anybody hear of any houses (remember those!?) coming up? There's an ad on the paper which says "houses now available from Fingal Co.Co in Santry, Baldoyle" etc. That seems very unlikely to me. Rach, you mentioned there will be houses released in May in Broimhe near Airside. Is that for definite? The word 'houses' cheers me up.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

The affor boroimhe houses will be three and i think a few 4 bedroom houses and also some 2bed apartments. I dont think they will be done by may tho. Id say more likely july aug by the look of them.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

I wonder if boroimhe will be Affordable housing, or Affordable Housing Initative?
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Theyl be aff housing and social housing. Fingal wudent make the decision untill before there being released on what perchange of each it will be. It could be 50 social 50 aff of 75:25. They make some strange decisions. Its aff housing cause fingal aint building them. It the builder who built the boroimhe estates whos building them.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Hay. Just wondering is anyone else disapointed in the lack of offers recently. I got a offer of a apartment two months ago and i turned it down. I figured i would start to get some more but since then i havent herd anything about anywhere coming on stream. Does anyone know whats going on?