Affordable Housing with Fingal Co Co

Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal


The living room and the kitchen are attached together and they were very small the kitchen was 1.5m by 1m.

The master bedroom was 3m by 2.5m the other bedroom was 3m by 2m.

BTW; m stands for "meter" .

Just the idea that the kitchen and the living room were attached and there were no wall or notheing to separate them, puts me off buying it.

I do not think a small kitchen table with four chairs can be fited in, in the kitchen..

On the other hand, I do reliaze this might be a good opportunity and this is why I cannot make my mind up!
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Johny28: I was asking more particularly about "and the area below average (socially) "
It is just out of interest

Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Johny28: I was asking more particularly about "and the area below average (socially) "
It is just out of interest


Hi there ,

When I said below average ,I meant that there seems to be a lot of social housing and many people there on benefits and welfare...

Nothing against them but personally I'd rather to be surrounded by hardworking people… If I have got the wrong impression and you are from neighbouring areas please do correct me.

Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

very fussy johny.... they're no longer building council estates any more instead builders are handing over a % to the local council, hense affordable house and social houses, surely you must know this being on the affordable housing list and no matter what estate you buy in there will be council houses.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

How do you know they are on welfare and benefits ?
You'll get that everywhere
I'm happy with it anyway -
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

I'm delighted with mine too ordered my setee today getting very real now!

there are people on benefits everywhere, get over it.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Johny28 :"I meant that there seems to be a lot of social housing"

Yes: a whole estate of it, that people like you are buying? You're confusing me here. Are you saying that you want affordable housing and the tax payer to subsidise this, but yet you do not want to live in an area where people are also getting the benefits of tax payers money to fund their houses?
Do you want to buy a house in an 'normal' privately marketted estate under the affordable housing scheme in which the majority of the estate paid full market value?

All private housing estates are going to have houses rented out. Where houses are rented out, you run the risk that the people living in them care less about their house etc. and also that they are (possibly) on social welfare.
The advantage of living in an affordable housing estate is that no one can rent their houses out so you (and everyone else in the estate) are living in the house you own.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

I'm delighted with mine too ordered my setee today getting very real now!

there are people on benefits everywhere, get over it.

I'm sorry but why are people taking such offence to Johnnys remarks!?
There is a diff between affordable and social: affordable requires a full time permanent job and the ability to pay a mortgage, social housing is heavily subsidised and it does not require the occupier to even have a job...............

i dont think people can be offended by this! We all know it!
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

I think I made my views clear , you did as well.

I'm not having this arguement...

If you are happy where you are or happy whith what have purchased in Martello, that is very good and I'm happy for you.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal


Thanks for your clarifications.

Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

I'm not offended by it - just pointing out that you'll get the same mix everywhere these days but it;s totally up to Johney - as I said earlier it'd be mad to buy for the sake of it as if you are already unhappy with the size of the houses and the area in general you'd just end up miserable !
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

I think a lot of it goes on gut reaction.. you know when things feel right. When I went to Meakstown and Martello I just felt unsure..when I viewed in Lusk I felt like "I know this is definitly right". Everybodys personal circumstances are different and this affects so much of how you feel.. Johnny if you are feeling a lot more negative than positive its not for you..thats not a bad reflection on others who went for just might not be right for Johnny. It is too big a commitment to get into without feeling sure.. plus its supposed to be a good thing!!Look how happy Abi and Suzy clearly are!It suits wait it out til something comes up to suit you.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

johny28: no I don't think you did make it clear thus my last post.

mlouisa: No offence was taken,I was just interested to know how he reached his opinion,and yes I am aware that there is a difference between affordable housing and social housing.Affordable housing is also heavily subsidised though
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Hi Suzy1972,

Thanks for your feedback.Agreed, one gets a mix every he goes.But I do not thing Martello is the place for me.

Godd luck with your house.

Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

yeah best of luck I'm sure there are more houses coming up soon
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

I think you heavily invested in Martello and this is why you are so insistant to go on about the subject.

BTW; what about the people in Martello who dump their waste in front of any unoccupied house!
What about the parties the apartments down the road had, do they still have parties!
What about the incidents of many cars being broken into!

What about Martello in 10-15 years time , how do you see it then?

Does this make my views any clearer? I hope so because I’m not into justifying my beliefs to you.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Hi Cat123,

How are you? Hope everything going smoothly for you.

Yea, I did not feel a strong connection with Martello, i think I'll wait a bit more for something better...


Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

That is more the reply that I was hoping for

Yes,I do own a house in Martello Towers,and am living their nearly 2 years.

There are 2 old bikes and some black bags dumped outside one of the end houses in the affordable housing (not sure of the road names) estate for some time now,pretty sure I pointed this out myself though previously.
Those houses have been finished for a long time this is the only dumping that I have seen there and normally people don't dump stuff on their own door steps.
The parties in the apartments down the road?this is something I am unaware of as I can't really hear noise from the apartments from where I live.

I am only aware of excessive noise coming from one house on weeknights and it drives me mad but luckily it isn't every night

I am not aware on any cars been broken in to the the current Martello estate.I reckon it is too far back for anyone to bother.

I have absolutely no plans to live in Martello in 10-15 years time and plan to have well moved on by then.

Generally it is my opinion that the whole "Lego Land" are of Balbriggan will face social issues long term,as other similar areas have suffered and will suffer too.

For now it is quite a nice place to live
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

true, they are not the same thing but you'll usually find where you get social housing you'll also get affordable housing.