Affordable Housing with Fingal Co Co

Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Best of Luck today everyone!
Let us know how you get on.. I'll report back this evening :)
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Nice houses.. much bigger than the ones I viewed previously in Lusk, but not nice enough for me to want to move that far away for where I live now.. so I said no and will wait it out.

I think a really good prospect if you are from Balbriggan or surrounding areas.

Anyone else view, how did you get on?
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

I'm no. 52 on the list. I hope there are enough people ahead of me on the list that think the same as you cat. would really love one
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Hi mlouisa.

I submitted my snag list 3/4 weeks ago, to be honest I really was expecting it to be done before aug, as I have learned that FCC can sometimes be wrong with their time estimates! I got a phone call on mon and was told the apt is ready to be checked. They may not snag the units until all are sold,is there some still available where you bought?Not sure if snags are being completed by original builders or if FCC are paying for someone else to do them.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

hi maxwll builders holidays start next friday for 2 weeks so it may delay the snagging a little bit,
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

I viewed the Martello properties and I liked them. I was lucky to reserved a 3 bed mid terrace. Are any other people lucky enough to reserve?
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Lucky you.. I love hearing people getting what they want from the aff. housing, it gives hope to the weary. :eek: I didn't even get a letter about the Martello and I've been on the list nearly a year and a half. :(
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Hi Guys, I was number 30 on the list and I booked a 2 bed end of terrace with a side entrance. So I am delighted. Next best thing to a 3 bed. I didnt think I would even get that as I was so far down the list. But alot of people seem to be turning them down especially after the 3 beds were all gone.

These houses are a lot bigger from my last viewing in Meakstown. I know they were only 2-bed apt but they were tiny. Even some of the FFC staff were suggesting that you could turn one of the bedrooms into a sitting room as the living space was so small. Not ideal if you have kids.

Good news (in a way) - no management charges. Just means we will have to keep the area looking well.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

These houses are a lot bigger from my last viewing in Meakstown. I know they were only 2-bed apt but they were tiny. Even some of the FFC staff were suggesting that you could turn one of the bedrooms into a sitting room as the living space was so small. Not ideal if you have kids.

It seems to be the way with Fingal (and I guess with all developments), the closer you get to the City Centre, the smaller the place.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Thats me! Am absolutely delighted to be honest. I was a bit iffy about blanchardstown when i went up, as i dont know the area very well, but the apartments are amazing, i got a gorgeous 2 bed with a bay window in the sitting room and all my kitchen appliances included which is fantastic for €245k.As for the parking, i think the lack of designated spaces is brilliant. The 2 blocks the apartments are in are surrounded by car parking spaces, more than enough for everyone and more so dont forsee any probs, better than forking out another 10k for an extra one. The AHI process is very strange and it seems you just have to wait it out and be at the right place at the right time. The AHI people i dealt with last nite were so nice. Yes, you have to make a quick decision,but they dont force you to hurry and they were very helpful with answering any questions i had. I now need to apply..again to Fingal for the apartment i chose i.e do the whole HPL1 form thing again..dont understand why...but im not eventually on the property ladder haha!!!:D
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

hi swordshead, i bought a two bed in erris square aswel, couldn't becide between a balcony and bay window but went for the bay window in the end! I asked the lady from fingal about the valuation and she said that was the price fingal paid the builders for the units and so they can't be changed, she did say though if you were selling and the price was lower then the clawback would be reduced! Does anyone know how much I should expect to pay for a solicitor??
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Lots of new neighbours for me in Martello:)

No management charge,that is interesting as we all have to pay one:(

The management company are horribley incompetent though and don't quite adhere to the rules about agms etc.

cat123 - your so lucky you can be fussy about the area,most people have to compromise on it alot just to get a house.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

cat123 - your so lucky you can be fussy about the area,most people have to compromise on it alot just to get a house.

Surely this is the point of the Affordable scheme - that you don't have to take what you are offered, you can wait and see what else comes up?
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

I meant generally,but I suppose that is one advantage of the affordable housing scheme.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Nice houses.. much bigger than the ones I viewed previously in Lusk, but not nice enough for me to want to move that far away for where I live now.. so I said no and will wait it out.

I think a really good prospect if you are from Balbriggan or surrounding areas.

Anyone else view, how did you get on?

Hi Cat123,

Did you veiw the three or two beds?

How was the size?
Did you veiw one of those hoses that it has the feild at the back instead of houses?

Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

cat123 - your so lucky you can be fussy about the area,most people have to compromise on it alot just to get a house.

I would hardly call myself "fussy". What is the point of taking a house when you are not sure if you are going to be happy there? Just because its the "affordable" scheme doesnt mean you arent paying a lot of money, the most amount of money I'll have ever paid about anything and that this isnt a big decision.. people seem to have an attitude about affordable housing that you should take what you are given I dont agree. To me affordable housing means I have the chance to live in an area local to me where otherwise I could not afford to buy... thats why I am on the list. I have no problem with Balbriggan or the houses there, in fact I quite liked them, but Balbriggan is NOT local to me.

Also Draoighonta you said it was an advantage "generally" to be able to be fussy. If I was able to be fussy in the financial sense I would be able to go ahead and buy a house privately. End Rant.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Hi Cat123,

Did you veiw the three or two beds?

How was the size?
Did you veiw one of those hoses that it has the feild at the back instead of houses?


They had three houses open to view.. one was a three bed mid terrace, and the other two were two beds.. one was a mid terrace and one end of terrace with a side entrance. There was different prices depending on whether it was two bed/three bed/end of terrace/mid/side entrance/no side entrance.

The two bed mid terrace had the field to its side (none were backing directly onto the field) and I thought that was really nice, had a window looking onto that field when you came up the stairs, so was lovely and bright.
I thought all the houses were bright actually and reasonable size. The only other place I have viewed was in Lusk and these houses were definitly bigger.

Abi, I remember before you were hoping for a garden, well the gardens were decent sizes.. best of luck, it might really suit you.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Many thanks Cat123 for your updates

I didn't get a veiwing because I'm not yet at the top of the list which I do not mind because it gives me more time to save more ...
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Lots of new neighbours for me in Martello:)

No management charge,that is interesting as we all have to pay one:(

Yes I was surprized, I thought all developments these days had a management company. Do you have any communal area's, or no bin charges: maybe that's the reason?

Well I am delighted with the area. I am currently renting in Brackenwood just around the corner and I love the area. Very peaceful and I never had any problems with Balbriggan. I am really looking forward to moving into Martello.

Have we got any tradesmen r women out there. Plummers/Electricians/Alarm Fitters. Maybe give a bit of business to our new neighbours.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Hi Cat123,

Did you veiw the three or two beds?

How was the size?
Did you veiw one of those hoses that it has the feild at the back instead of houses?


John there were about 8 houses the backed onto fields. That row of houses was not opened for viewing but were available. As Cat123 said only 3 showhouses as such were opened in Martello Pk. The ones that backed onto fields were Martello Terrace.

I was lucky to get end of terrace so I have fileds to the side of me, I am on the other side of the road on Martello Terrace if that makes any sence.