Affordable Housing with Fingal Co Co

Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

How long are you approved macy?

Hi cat123,
I applied in October 2006, interviewed in early December and got approval in early January 2007. So Martello is my first correspondance from them and like most others still figuring out their whole system of things but everyones experience with them seems to be different. Would love if they could produce a list of future housing coming on stream. Might help people in their decision making regarding areas they'd like to live in.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Im a bit baffled by this surely you are in the top 50 list if you got an appointment... do you mean your not int the top 32 of houses?

I called the fingal back on Friday afternoon and they advised that there are 37 units. I am currently renting in Brackenwood about 3 mins from Martello and I went around and counted them. There are 37 units.

Fingal advised that numbers 1-10 will view at 1.30pm, 10-20 at 2pm and 20-30 and 2.30pm and so on. I am viewing in the 2.30pm group so looks like I am guranteed one if I like it.

When I viewed in Meakstown a couple of months ago, there were only 7 apt and I was number 11 on the list and the still called me to view. I had to wait in one of the rooms of the apt until numbers 1-10 made their decision. As a few of them turned them down, I was offered one. I originally accepted that day but called a couple of days and turned it down. It was too small. So they move down the list.

So even if you not in the top 37 you may still be called to view and offered one. Balbriggan may not be for everyone.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Thanks for that info Dellie. I'm at 3.00 and they told me I'm 41 so that would match up with what you said. Just have to wait til thursday now!
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

I absolutely agree with you Macy, definitly more transparency is needed.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

hi jen0250,

I also accepted an apt in lusk village,was hoping for a first floor but just missed out. Have a ground floor and pretty happy,found the whole process a bit drawn out and unfortunately still not done. E-mailed my snag list about 3 weeks ago but I have heard nothing since.Have you had anymore contact with FCC? Many issues on snag list?
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal


I came across this thread while trying to work out what on earth was ever gonig to happen with those houses at the end of the road.

All the current houses in Martello are private houses but alot are rented out so it comes as a slight shock to me that all the new ones are affordable housing and also the price of them as this can't be good for our house prices!!

The area is very quite the neighbours don't really seem to talk much but most are out at work all day.

The people with small children seem to mix alot more,there are quite a few children all quite young,well behaved and pleasant.

I have not heard of anyones house or car been broken into or any anti social issue down our end of lego land(the name given to the whole place!) though this is probably due to the age of the residents more so then anything else and no one else bothering to stray down that far.There is never any trouble though.

I had never been to Balbriggan before I bought my house,but it is fine.

The water supply is the biggest problem that I have had,it sucks but I was thinking that was the reason the houses your looking at have been empty so long as no noe could move in until it was fixed for them?maybe this was a little fantasy of mine dreaming of having a proper water supply.

There is very little water pressure,showers in the bathroom are unuseable and water runs out multiple times a day to the extent that you can not flush the toilets or fill the kettle.

It takes about 17 minutes for me to walk to the train so about a 25 minute comfortable walk and it takes less then 5 minutes to walk to Dunnes.

Anyway hope this info helps

has a martello towers section as well
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Ok, I live in Martello also - Rach, the water problems you experience are due to the fact that you have not installed a pump on your boiler for the shower, I have water at anytime of the day or night in my house - If you do experience difficulties is to do with shortages with Fingal.

I really do take exception to the fact that people here have described the residents of the estate as all being on the dole. On my road alone there is a university director and a guy who owns and runs a very successful business. The gardai are not there regularly and I would seriously like to talk to the guard who informed you of that.

With regard to the cars being broken into, there was an incident this time last year with a house that was rented on Martello Road (3 bed 2 story) the people who were renting caused a lot of trouble, as soon as the landlord was notified the problem was rectified (they were evicted). On the odd occasion that I am off work for the day (shock horror, I do actually work) I very rarely see anyone around. Please do not make sweeping statements about most of the residents being on the dole.

I have never lived in a quieter estate in my life

Lads, I really had to control myself writing this with some of the comments I have read about Martello. At the end of the day you are getting a much better deal than any of the residents of the estate.

Have you been told whether you have to pay management fees?
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

The county council,builders etc told me it is a Balbriggan wide problem...which I am quickly learning it isn't

So you have no water shortages to your house at all?

Installing a pump shouldn't be a necessity for being able to use the shower,though I can understand that it is.

- Martello Towers
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Thanks you Sunny123. I currently live in Moylaragh and I know Martello definately has peace and quiet comparing it to other estates. I really really hope I get 1 of the 3 bedroom houses.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

We must be neighbours so hello! What no. are you?
I think i got the last 1st floor . All of them are really nice though arent they! Would you believe, i rang them yesterday because i hadnt so far and i was just curious,they told me they would get someone to phone me today and i got a phone call at lunch time to say my snag had been complete. I have an appointment for Fri afternoon to re-check the snag, and all going well, im pencilled in to sign on fri 20th July! So it definitely is moving and If you havent heard from them, id give them a call.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Just had a voicemail from Fingal saying I wasn't able to view in the first group for Martello but they'd be back in touch if they were taking a second group. So I guess sometimes they do phone.

I have written to the council and my tds asking for some clarity on the whole S&A within Fingal - I made reference to how confused so many people seem on these boards. I've had one postive response from a newly elected TD saying he'll look into it.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

I got a call too, I'm no. 52 on the list. I think that means i need 14 people before me to refuse one
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal


Hello yourself neighbour! Got a call from FCC today,I'm checking snags early next week, due to sign on fri 20th. Great to see things moving.I've sent you a PM.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Hi Everyone. Is there anyone else waiting for snags to be done in Citygate? I submitted my list at the start of June - still waiting
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Dear Jen 0250 and Maxell,

I am also waiting on snagging for a different estate in either of you know the builder of your estate??
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

also, how long were yo both waiting bet submitting the snag and getting it done..............thanks!!
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Good Luck to everyone tomorrow who is viewing Martello.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

also, how long were yo both waiting bet submitting the snag and getting it done..............thanks!!

Hiya, As fas as I know, the builders are McGarrell Reilly?? And i submitted my snag list around the 12th of June, so not that long ago...
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Hi Jen,

Thanks for that! He is my builder too and I submitted my list start of May so he must be coming to mine soon!
Did FCC just ring you one day and say your snag is done, go and check it or how do they work?
