Affordable Housing with Fingal Co Co

Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

I was there too. I'm third on the cancellation list..I'm disappointed but I guess thats what I expected..I was number 27 but 2 people didnt show..the people from fingal were encouraging that i might get a cancellation they said people generally say yes then change their mind before final loan.
Congrats jen!I had exact same opinions as you about apartments v houses..the apartments were really fab.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Hey guys,
Thats Really good, You'd be surprised the amount of people that do drop out. Think I'd still prefer house tough purely for the garden for the child, she loves being out. Good luck cat. Hope you get it.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

HI all

just to say i was the same : wanted a house saw the aprtment and loved it! They are much bigger and dont have the wasted space the 2 bed houses have..........Also my apartment has the tiling, the wardrobes etc. Bathrooms all finished as well. MY sis and her boyfirend bought a house themselves privately came to see mine and couldnt belive the tiles and wardrobes and that.. ! So i would say if you dont have kids consider an aprtment!
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Jen, Louisa, Cat,

Can you tell me how long it was from loan approval to viewing of places? It's great you're all viewing the same places and exchanging thoughts etc. Best of luck.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

kara, im on the general list approx 24 months, have been offered several properties in the past but some just too far away from work etc. I really wanted St. Samson's for location purposes. I heard in Sept/Oct 06 they offered units here and when I phoned Fingal I was told that all units were allocated. I was so disappointed. Now reading this I see that they have more units and I haven't received a letter.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

I'm glad to see that at least you are holding out for what you want. A lot of people seem to have the 'take what you get' attitude which I don't agree with when you're parting with a couple of hundred grand! :mad: I live about ten mins from St Sampsons so I'm disappointed they're offering two bed apartments because the location would also suit me brilliantly! You will have to call them again perhaps and find out why they haven't given you a letter.. it's a bit strange. If you don't mind me asking; will you have to re-apply now for a third time.. can you do that?
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Thanks for your reply, I also live aprox 10 minutes drive from this development hence my disappointment at not receiving a letter. I have sent off an email today. I had to apply each year for re-approval and have been granted same. I will give them a call tomorrow to see/beg to get a viewing. Are you not going to view same ?? can i have your slot ha ha.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Jen, Louisa, Cat,

Can you tell me how long it was from loan approval to viewing of places? It's great you're all viewing the same places and exchanging thoughts etc. Best of luck.

This was my first viewing, and it took 9 months from approval date to get it. Altogether, 11 months to the day n i have a place so all in all, not too bad. You can be lucky i think, n fall in love with your first offer.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

thanks abi and howayiz.. im trying not to get hopes up about cancellation it seems pointless...!
howayiz i applied end of oct 06 ..interview nov 06.. approval start dec 06
like everyone else here i also live ten mins for st we all actually know each other?!! topgal that seems like a mistake..i would ring and enquire definitly! i didnt get a letter for there and would have loved it..was pretty depressed after whole lusk thing just feels like back to square one..but we'll struggle on i guess it was prob a bit unrealistic to hope to get somewhere..other people seem to be on list a lot longer than me before they get anywhere
a question!if you are on list a year and you reapply for the next year do you retain your place on list or go back to bottom?
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

thanks abi and howayiz.. im trying not to get hopes up about cancellation it seems pointless...!

Not at all! I know of a few people who got cancellations (including myself)!

People change their minds for any number of reasons, they may also not get through final approval for whatever reason. Granted it was a few months before I got a call to say there was a place available, but it still happened so if there are cancellations, don't presume you'll find out tomorrow or next week, it could be a couple of months if there are any!

Good luck!
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Congrats Jen, Its always great to hear of someone getting one they really want.. thats brill for you.

Yes indeed i was about 14th on cancellation list and got offered the house 3 months later so dont lose hope. 2 officials from Fingal told me on seperate occasions about how many people drop out/no longer qualify etc so really if you are on the cancellation list you are near the top so keep the savings going!!

Also I gave fingal a tinkle every few weeks to see how they were getting on, any cancellations etc..
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Yeah, you never can tell!

Also, for info, whatever about the length of time waiting for approval/final interview, the longest and most painful wait for me is actually turning out to be waiting for the builders to do the items on my snag!!!!!! Excrutiating!!!! You would think finally securing a home would give you some relief but then you just want to get into it and can't GRRRR!!!

It's so wonderful once you know you've got a place and it's the one you want though, however long it takes to get into it, so the best of luck to all of you
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Thanks Eilan and Chas Angel.. thats really great to hear, feel better now
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Yes wondering myself if we all live approx 10 minutes from area, do we know one another. In answer to your question, no you don't go to the bottom of the list at the end of the year, you remain at the same place. Don't get me wrong, Fingal have been fantastic to me and I cannot fault them one bit, I have just received offers of places which where not suitable to me and can't get the places I'd really like/want.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Yeah, I'm the same. I want a three bed house (need the bedrooms, would prefer somewhere with a yard) and I'm only being offered two beds at present. Not Fingal's fault but still grr!
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

don't wana dash your hopes Kara but in the length of time I have been on the list I only viewed 2 three bed houses but as there was a lengthy list ahead of me I never even got a chance to buy.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Kara, I'd agree with TopGal I think youre chances of getting a 3bed are slim..but if your prepared to wait it out for a year or so on list maybe you will get to top and if any come up get them. I have no patience for this waiting at all though!

TopGal on your time on the list how many places have you been offered and where were they?
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Well I have no choice but to wait. Cramming my family into a three bed is a squeeze at the moment, let alone somewhere with two bedrooms!!
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

cat123 during my time on the list I have been offered several places (honestly cannot remember how many) in balbriggan, lusk, rush, donabate and swords. Some of the places were really nice but either too far for work purposes or too small for my needs.

Kara, if you hold out you may get what you really want, it will just be a matter of time. Because of the clawback it is important to be happy with your choice.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Hey Topgal

Just curious where you were offered in Swords and Donabate? I've only just sent in my application a few weeks ago but would really love Donabate.
