Sorry if I offended you Judybaby73 but it doesn't change my opinion. Not a personal attack on you but it grates on me when people complain about people breaking the law and conning other people out of a house if they're not prepared to report it. All you'd have to do is ring the county council. Indeed that's all you could do. People who do that with their affordable house are laughing their heads off at all the poor suckers trying to get on the ladder, including you. I just wouldn't be able to stand letting them get away with it, especially not if I was on the waiting list for a house! Is it really so common?
Judybaby73 said:I wouldn't report's too common! I'd be on the phone all day AND yes I have been posting alot about trying to get a house (Im entitled to).As you might be aware AnnR I know I am not going to get an affordable house so have put the ridiculous idea out of my head. Also WilliePat has said he knows of this happening too. It's a common practice. Why would you report it as you'd only be reporting "them to themselves" if that makes sense! Please be a bit kinder in your messages AnnR .I'm quite sensitive ...NOT!