Thats a good question, and I think we have all to think is it worth it - it really depends.
Are you able to afford it, not just the payment but the yearly maintenance fee (around 2-2.2K) + floors + furniture + bills!
How long will you live there - be realistic! no-one will be there for 20 years?! - The current situation with the clawback means that you should only be concerned if the property market starts climbing - your cash input is protected in a declining market providing it doesn't fall beneath the discount. We still need to persuade the council to revalue the property from their old pricing. I only see myself being in one of these 4-5 years tops.
Is it handy? - Will you be able to get rid of your car, is it handy to where you work - even long term wise this has one of the best public transport options thats runs regularly, if I loose my job chances are you will probably be based in town the next one (or at least handy to M50 and other places by car). This is the handiest location with the nearest access to the key infrastructure routes nearby.
Shops etc, you've shops in the complex, stillorgan, Dundrum + much more on the horizon.
If you are intending to rent a room scheme - again because this is handy to transport options and a safe neighbourhood it should be easy enough to rent out the room. Compare to the apartments across the M50, where the only option is town via the slow 44 or a once a day feeder to the DART.
The future - you should look at the development plan for the estate (the whole industrial estate) -its going to be updated again. The plan has some very ambitious ideas for the area - a complete rejuvenation. The luas station will shift closer, the reservoir will serve as a nighlife area with bars and restaurants. The current plaza being built in front of the estate will also contain shops etc..
And finally - you haven't signed up for the place till you've signed contracts - you should see the show apartment and then think about it, even the 5K deposit is refundable - but really this is only viable if you look at your budget and can you afford it or not - best and worst case scenarios.
Good luck with your decision