Affordable housing Dunlaoghaire Rathdown-Parkview, Belarmine & Thornwood

I hope its not going to take long.....its getting very close to the end of the month for getting keys!
Hi all, just wondering if anyone has heard anything on Park View recently? So much for being told everyone would be moved in by February!!
Hey Lucie
Feb of which year, we should have asked. I have been in touch & its the same story, they are not sure when, said it could be weeks or then again it could be months. At the moment they are doing a re-valuation on the apts. so that will delay it further. After that i think its just the paper work and legal end of things. Have you viewed the other apts up there yet?
I got a phonecall from DLRCOCO asking me was I still interested in a property, pity, cos I bought in Tallaght AHI last year. although I am very happy where I am.
Hey Ruby, no I haven't heard a word from them in months. I'm wondering whether I'd even go thru with it'll probably be months yet before anything happens!
Lucie give the Council a shout, I went up to see how the apts were coming along, they have put the numbers on the parking spaces. Things are moving alright just slowly. The way i am looking at it, the longer it takes the more money i save to kit the place out. They said it could be weeks or months, they cant give a time scale, because they dont actually know themselves.
the charging orders for BSQ have been sent out to solicitors.... whatever that means!

Oooh where did you get that bit of valuable information?

Do you know any more info, as in, has everyones gone out or are there still files waiting to be processed?

Just very curious as was due to meet my solicitor tomorrow but postponed it as he hadn't recieved the charging order and now if there was the chance he may have it tomorrow I'd keep the meeting. Otherwise it has to wait till I get back from holiday next week.
apparently they were all sent out last week. according to the guy in the council. I've tried calling my solicitor but I'm waiting on him to call me back to confirm he recieved it.
apparently they were all sent out last week. according to the guy in the council. I've tried calling my solicitor but I'm waiting on him to call me back to confirm he recieved it.

I was told last week by the council that the files had gone to their solicitors and then it would go to LK Sheilds at some point this week or next and then on to our solicitors.

I wonder if the person you spoke with meant they'd just gone to Hanby Wallace (DLRCOCO Solicitors) or if Hanby Wallace had sent them on to LK Sheilds, or if LK Sheilds had issued them?

This can all be so confusing and frustrating.
I know it's so hard to stay excited and build youself up for something when you don't know when it's coming. Ye he mentioned that LK Shields..... but said that my solicitor should have got them on friday...who knows!!
I know it's so hard to stay excited and build youself up for something when you don't know when it's coming. Ye he mentioned that LK Shields..... but said that my solicitor should have got them on friday...who knows!!

Maybe you are ahead of me in the process and mine is still to go through the rings!

If I knew anyone in LK Sheilds I'd call them to ask but I don't so that would be to cheeky I think.
Looks like charging order from LK Sheilds arrived with my solicitor today so going in to meet with him tomorrow afternoon.
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Hi all, hoping you can shed some light. Got a letter from the council in it they say ' an intial assessment has been caried out based on my information, they also say i have a short term housing need???Also this assessment will be subject to review????? Can anyone answer this? Many thanks

To me that sounds more like social housing as 'short-term' doesn't come under Affordable or Shared Ownership.
At least he has the charging order!! Let me know if you get a date to close etc from solicitor tomorrow. good luck!
Hi Blue and Stillathome! Just one question so I can put a time line on things. I put my booking deposit down at the beginning of April - were you guys before or after that?

Also have you completed the De-snag yet? I did mine over 2 weeks about now and have heard nothing back from landmark (so much for the 7 day committment!!)

If you could let me know that would be great! Cheers!
Ok I put booking deposit down in Jan..... then Snagged and de-snagged in April.... and now just waiting! Try rining client services about your de-snag. just keep hassling them!

  • I put my deposit down at the start of April
  • snagged at the end of April
  • had my de-snag a week and a half ago
After the de-snag there were only two obvious and minor issues left.
I spoke with Client Services earlier this week and they told me that once those issues were cleared up Landmark wrote to my solicitor, not sure if that has happened yet.